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Transfer Case Question


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January 27, 2010
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I need to replace the transfer casing in my 97' Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition.

The transfer case currently on my vehicle is ID F77A-7A195-GA. I found a transfer case from another 97' Ford Explorer in the junkyard, but it's a ID F57A-7A195-CA. They are both 4x4 (part time, electric shift).

Will the CA work on my vehicle, since they are they same year and both for 4x4 (part time, electric shift) etc? What is the difference between the 2?

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This thread answers that question with specifics. Basically, no they are not interchangeable by themselves.

I read that thread. They were talking about interchanging with ones from different years. That guy drives a 96 and is looking at a TC from a 97.

Both of the TC Im looking at are from 97's. In which that thread both people who answered said the 97's may had different sensors etc than his 96 did. But what if both parts are already 97s?

The part numbers are what matters, not the model year of the vehicle.

Both TC part numbers were used in the '97 model year. The driveshaft yoke is different for each. You can use the other TC, but you'd need to get the driveshaft that matches it.

Alright so I called around to some part places and finally one of them told me they had the part. I had to call every part place and salvage yard within a 200 mile radius before the one finally said they had one -.-

I confirmed with him twice on the phone that the part was F77A-7A195-GA

I went in to pick it up and the part ID on the part he brought out to me said XL24-7A195-AA and is for a 98 ford explorer. I questioned the sales person about this and said they told me they had a F77A-7A195-GA on the phone when I called and he insisted that the parts were interchangeable and that this was the transfer case I needed.

Before I have this installed can anyone confirm that the 2 transfer cases are interchangeable?

Your '97 F77A has the VSS (vehicle speed sensor) in the transfer case. The XL24 does not.

Thanks I had a feeling when he brought it out and I saw the part number wasnt what I asked for, I hate when they try to feed you BS just to make a sale :mad:

You can locate your specific transfercase at a junkyard near you at
If that makes it any easier for you.

You can locate your specific transfercase at a junkyard near you at
If that makes it any easier for you.

mmm Okay bear with me. I used the link. I put in 1997 ford explorer transfer case in Virginia on the first page. On the next page it asks me:

4x4 (PT, elec shift), ID F57A-7A195-CA
AWD (full time), 4 hole Fr output flange
4x4 (PT, elec shift), ID F67A-7A195-RA
AWD (full time), 6 bolt cup Fr output flange
4x4 (PT, elec shift), ID F77A-7A195-GA

And I select

4x4 (PT, elec shift), ID F77A-7A195-GA

If you do what I did and look through the results, it brings up several of the 4.0,AOD,XLT from the 98--->which is the transfer case they sold me today.

So does that mean it is compatible after all? Or how exactly does that search work?

if the mounting points for the drive shafts are the same , bolt that sucker in there and enjoy,,

if the mounting points for the drive shafts are the same , bolt that sucker in there and enjoy,,

X2 what he said. Just look at the driveshaft flanges, if they are the same and it looks the same electrically, get busy swapping parts.

Is there anyway to tell about that VSS without opening it up amd taking it apart. I been searching for a manual or pics to try to compare the 2 or see what the electrical looks like for both parts to see about the VSS.

By looks alone Im pretty sure it will fit, but I do kinda need the speedometer to work lol.

I found this one: where it shows the vss and says that the 98' dont have them, but I cant find any specific pictures of the XL24-AA.

Hmmm, you will notice that when you did the search @, it did not list the XL24.... I would say that it is not the correct one for your truck.

Hmmm, you will notice that when you did the search @, it did not list the XL24.... I would say that it is not the correct one for your truck.

1998 Transfer Case
Ford Explorer 4.0,AOD,XLT 0 A 09268

Thats the one showing up in the search that we got today.

Don't go by that, go by the transfercases that actually list the tag numbers. I got a couple that showed the correct number.
Also, if you go to do the search on car-part.. you enter 97, then explorer, then transfercase, then virginia, hit enter, it asks you which part number. You will notice that the XL24 number is NOT on that list. NOW, go back and enter the year for the explorer as a 98, keeping all the other info the same, you get the list of part numbers...the XL24 IS listed. So it does not have the VSS because in 98 the VSS was integrated into the rear differential with the ABS sensor.
That is how I concluded that the transfercase XL24, while it will fit, will not allow you to have a speedometer.

The interchange database that wrecking yards use is seriously flawed. Just because part B is will do the job of part A, does not mean part A will work where part B is required. The '97 F77A with VSS will work in a '98 that came with an XL24 and no VSS. Other way = fail.

Don't go by that, go by the transfercases that actually list the tag numbers. I got a couple that showed the correct number.
Also, if you go to do the search on car-part.. you enter 97, then explorer, then transfercase, then virginia, hit enter, it asks you which part number. You will notice that the XL24 number is NOT on that list. NOW, go back and enter the year for the explorer as a 98, keeping all the other info the same, you get the list of part numbers...the XL24 IS listed. So it does not have the VSS because in 98 the VSS was integrated into the rear differential with the ABS sensor.
That is how I concluded that the transfercase XL24, while it will fit, will not allow you to have a speedometer.

Hi, I have a explorer with 98/99 on the door, but the registration says 2000, I have a problem where the speedometer does not work, nor does the odometer, I have had people say the sensor is on the trans left side, its not... I have had people say it is the same as the ABS sensor in the rear diff. I replaced it, no help.

I have found some say XL24 (XL24-CB on the xfer case tag) has the VSS internal, but all I see is tone rings in exploded views with no sign of pickups for them...

This has me puzzled, I am about to go pick up another XL24 at a junk yard, but don't want to waste the money or time if the VSS is not in it...

I suppose it is possible that the diff sensor I replaced was bad from stock, but I would think if it were bad, it would also give me ABS messages...

Scan tool reports no defective ABS faults, but also confirms as the speedometer, no VSS information.

anyone ever run into this?

Hi, I have a explorer with 98/99 on the door, but the registration says 2000, I have a problem where the speedometer does not work, nor does the odometer, I have had people say the sensor is on the trans left side, its not... I have had people say it is the same as the ABS sensor in the rear diff. I replaced it, no help.

I have found some say XL24 (XL24-CB on the xfer case tag) has the VSS internal, but all I see is tone rings in exploded views with no sign of pickups for them...

This has me puzzled, I am about to go pick up another XL24 at a junk yard, but don't want to waste the money or time if the VSS is not in it...

I suppose it is possible that the diff sensor I replaced was bad from stock, but I would think if it were bad, it would also give me ABS messages...

Scan tool reports no defective ABS faults, but also confirms as the speedometer, no VSS information.

anyone ever run into this?

Found my problem, while pinning out the Brake Control Unit I found it was not seated completely, (apparently someone had been in there before me), pinned out the sensor from there (the one I changed in pumpkin) and it checked good, reseated the connector properly and the problem went away.

Thanks anyway. (this connector was not loose, the wedge clip was just not all the way seated so it does not take much)

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