Solved - Transmission and Transfer Case Specs by year | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Transmission and Transfer Case Specs by year

Prefix for threads that contain problems that have been resolved, and there is an answer within the thread.
can a 1350 be a direct swap in place of a 1354? Just want to find out if the 1350 has a noise issue like my 1354 has, which I believe to be the chain has stretched. Both TCs were picked up from C/L sellers years ago. I just installed the 4wd 5spd & 1354 into my lifted 2wd ranger this last week end.

I plan to swap Tcs either today or tomorrow to find out..

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Does anyone know (or know where I can find) the difference between the M50D-R1 and R1HD?

I noticed in the vehicle table in this initial post that the Explorer (95-01) is listed as having a 4r44e or 5r55e. Shouldn't it be the 4r55e or 5r55e?
