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treadwright, alignment.

Hey fellas.
I'm awaiting my order from, i got the 30x9.5x15 puma's ... basically a generic bfg at :)
But here's my problem, my mother drove my ex a while back. it was a snowy day so i threw it in 4x4 for her, but when she left her work she didnt take it out. it was completely dry roads on her way home, and it really did a number to my alignment..
i need to know if i'll have any problems getting my tires mounted, balanced, and an alignment at a tire shop. I have heard some shops wont do retreaded tires. thanks felas !!
o ya ...... its a 94 xlt 4 door 4wd. ... o o o and its green :)

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ya i was kinda thinkin about welding a bracket to the winch bracket itself, that can mount to a ball, so when i build my front bumper i can put a receiver on it, and mount the winch to there, or the rear ball. i've never seen it done before, but if i go through ill write it up for ya man.

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Thats a great idea actually. If you do end up doing it a writeup would be great. Im sure alot more people would invest in winches. Cuz I know thats kinda the reason I havent really gotten one yet. I dont have 1000-1200 $ for two winches. Hmm Ill be waiting to see a writeup :D

By the way the tires look great. From the pics just like mine i cant tell that they are re-treads. How do they do in the mud? It looks like a pretty nice track to test tires. Looking good though. Keep us all updated!

i got stuck as hell ! tires did great, just way to deep without a lift hahaha
i just checked out my tires a week or so ago and had a huge chunk out of my right rear one ... kinda dissapointed :/
i called treadwright and they sent me a new one with no charge to me, but it still woulda been bad to have happened on the interstate or somethin.
still a huge believer... just a fluke thing ya know?
anyways, i need to hop on the forum more often !
ive been workin on the ranch for a week and came back and my comp is broken ... damn sisters haha

huge chunk came off due to faulty tire or due to offraoding and spinning tire got chunked on something? Either way I em. Great tires so far.

nah man i went wheeling once with it, a week later the chunk came off. huge pita is all it amounted to. I got right on the phone with treadwright, sent me a new tire free of charge for no cost to me at all. so i cant complain. Im a believer !!!

Nice ive always heard they are great with their warranties. Did you have to send back the tire or did they just let you keep it as a spare? Other than the inconvenience how do you like em?

Help please can someone tell me what the alignment (Tracking) should be on my 1999 Explorer with standard 255 70 16 tyres? Here in the UK I can't seem to get that information and my local tyre supplier doesnt have that information either so only sets the tracking to 0 degrees, which then eats the inside of both front tyres.
