Treadwright tires anyone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Treadwright tires anyone?


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
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Mooresville NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 4x4 Explorer XLT
I am researching the tires. I am looking for some 31's. I want a mud terrain as that's what I enjoy most as of now. That should change after awhile. It get's everywhere!!!
I am looking at getting the sites version of either the BFG A/T or the MT/R.



I am wanting to know if anyone on here has some first hand experience with any of their tires, particularly the two mentioned above.

I did search first. Found two threads on their old stuff(Green Diamonds). They have a different and better product now from what I've heard.

Thanks in advance,

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I'm also interested in this as I am going to be putting some on mine come tax time

I guess were on our own as of now man! haha


I'm going to be getting mine come refund time so Ill post some updates.

I'm going to be getting mine come refund time so Ill post some updates.

Thanks. I hope to get some beginning of next year. I look forward to the update. I'm probably going to get the M/Tr lookalikes.

I have a friend who is a tester/ representative and i have seen the mt's first hand and they perform well. He also just got the mtr version for more of a daily driven xterra.They look great and his reviews have been great so far! TW does not have anything above a 33 or comparable in metric due to problems with the cast for 35's and up .. they just don't sell the larger tires anymore!

31 ats would be a great choice. Espeecially if you daily drive your explorer and just like to wheel whenever. Although my friend daily drives hi tj and he chose the MT's!

The company voids the warranty if tire is aired down (yeah i know- how would they know!?) and the tires wear pretty quick but they are a great economical choice.

I was going to go this route until i found a deal on bfg at's on craigslist.

Good luck with your future purchase.

I have a friend who is a tester/ representative and i have seen the mt's first hand and they perform well. He also just got the mtr version for more of a daily driven xterra.They look great and his reviews have been great so far! TW does not have anything above a 33 or comparable in metric due to problems with the cast for 35's and up .. they just don't sell the larger tires anymore!

31 ats would be a great choice. Espeecially if you daily drive your explorer and just like to wheel whenever. Although my friend daily drives hi tj and he chose the MT's!

The company voids the warranty if tire is aired down (yeah i know- how would they know!?) and the tires wear pretty quick but they are a great economical choice.

I was going to go this route until i found a deal on bfg at's on craigslist.

Good luck with your future purchase.

Ok. Thanks. I am checking craigslist as well, but am still thinking about the MTr tire from TW.

My boss has used these on his jeep on occasion and likes them, Is it me or do they look weird...or different? almost like the tread width is drmatically narrower then the sidewalls?

My boss has used these on his jeep on occasion and likes them, Is it me or do they look weird...or different? almost like the tread width is dramatically narrower then the sidewalls?

I think it's just you. The tread pattern is closer together because they can't have the exact same design as the tire they are "copying". They do this so that they don't get sued.

Dont want to bring up an old post but any updates on treadwright tires?

None from me. I'm trying to sell my truck now. Sadly

I wouldn't EVER suggest anyone use retreaded tires for a daily driven vehicle or anything that sees highway speeds. They might be ok for low-speed off-road use.

I'd say get a less expensive brand like Cooper, General, or Dunlop, or even a store brand like Big O. Waiting for an incredible sale deal or a rebate offer works, too.

I wouldn't EVER suggest anyone use retreaded tires for a daily driven vehicle or anything that sees highway speeds. They might be ok for low-speed off-road use.

I'd say get a less expensive brand like Cooper, General, or Dunlop, or even a store brand like Big O. Waiting for an incredible sale deal or a rebate offer works, too.

Have you had a bad experience?

Just ordered a set of the 31x10.5x15 MTG's. This is going on my DD so I'll let you guys know how it goes. They should be here next week. Oh and, 4 of these cost me $421 shipped.


Sweet! Let us know how they work out for ya....Oh yeah, be sure to take some pictures for us on lookers!

What about retreaded semi tires? Those travel highway speeds...

I mean I wouldn't run a retread, but...

Ordered my tires thursday evening, they arrived today (wednesday) at noon.

They look awesome!

One of the tires had two small chunks torn out of the rim protecter, no danger to the core as it's mostly aesthetic, but Joel at told me he was sending me a replacement anyways. He then offered to let me keep the "damaged" tire as a spare for $40. Talk about a smoking deal.

Joel was awesome, he was upfront and honest, and I swear he must sit at his desk and hit the 'send/recieve' mail button every 15 seconds because every time I emailed him I got a response within a few minutes.

I'll check in again when I get a chance to run them. (Naches Trail, anyone?)

here's a quick cell phone pic:

Those look pretty nice!

I've used retreads in different applications and have never had a problem with them. They get a bad name because people see the treads from semi-trucks along the highway. This has to do with the trailer being over weight and not the quality of the tire or tread.

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Those look pretty nice!

I've used retreads in different applications and have never had a problem with them. They get a bad name because people see the treads from semi-trucks along the highway. This has to do with the trailer being over weight and not the quality of the tire or tread.

Ive never used a retread but im definitely gunna give it a shot.

I agree with the semi statement. Driving a 3,000 pound vehicle for 60,000 miles on a set of tires isnt the same as driving a 80,000 pound semi 200,000 miles. If retread tires can hold up on semis, a SUV shouldnt be a problem.
