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Truck Haven 2007: The Movie

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thats not what the last three time calculations have said...but thanks for the tip


9:00 pm pacific=me
10:00 pm mountain= jamie
11:00 pm central =you
12:00 am eastern= east coast

These are all the same time... :confused:

Everyone post what time it is where you are. This is amazing...

8:06pm here

um when something happens in CA, like Stico posts the link to his movie at a certain time it takes place at the same time anywhere in the universe, its just your relationship to that time zone that is adding confusion, I drop a ball now you dont have to wait 4 hours for it to hit the ground...capiche?

um when something happens in CA, like Stico posts the link to his movie at a certain time it takes place at the same time anywhere in the universe, its just your relationship to that time zone that is adding confusion, I drop a ball now you dont have to wait 4 hours for it to hit the ground...capiche?

So--that means if stic-o would just show it now I wouldn't have to wait until 12:00 eastern---

does anyone know the size of the file...just wondering want to see how much time this will take?

welp according to the whos online Forum stic-O is here and is editing thhis thread.....RIGHT NOW no matter what time zone u are in

he said come here so I assume fist post plus hes editing
1/4 downloaded *****es

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