Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15 | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven 2012 MLK Weekend Jan. 14-15

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So Officially Me and my Dad (DAExplorer) will be heading out Friday morning and be there around Noon. We are planning on setting up camp around the normal wash area where Mark mentioned.

We camping by the Wash again? If so, The GPS coordinates for the good wash camp site is :
Latitude: 33.291050º N
Longitude: 116.005796º W

We will let you guys know for sure where we are once we find a spot and are out there. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

We will probably get in a few short father-son runs but will be back in camp in the evening.

Should look a lot like this, but there will be an EZ Up and two Xmas Trees Also:D


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Well, Van is ready...

All I need to do to the explorer is replace 1 rock light that is bad (I have a spare light here).

I need to buy/change 1 tire on the trailer as I have a bulge on the sidewall, near the tread on 1.

That is it for the vehicles.. I still have a few things to do, like put the cooler back together or buy a new one etc :).


Grumble, grumble.... Char mistakenly double booked this Friday. She has an important meeting at school, so our plan to leave Friday morning is shot. We'll leave as soon as she gets home from school, not sure what time we'll be rolling in.

Pumpkin still isn't done either:banghead: We're still coming with or without...

Grumble, grumble.... Char mistakenly double booked this Friday. She has an important meeting at school, so our plan to leave Friday morning is shot. We'll leave as soon as she gets home from school, not sure what time we'll be rolling in.

Pumpkin still isn't done either:banghead: We're still coming with or without...

HOPE TO SEE PUMPKIN! got to love an SAS EX!

Just a reminder.. Its Winter Desert wheeling. The forcast is for calm air (no Big W) and big temp swings...

Low 30's at night and mid 70's during the day..

That means, even during a day run, you should have your jacket in the truck (along with all your other gear).


Mark don't forget your clothes this time!

Also I have a set of 5 15x10 steel wheels 5on4.5 4" back space any interest can bring along if so.


Once again FST blew it. Mark my word the Pumpkin is NEVER going back after this.

Its just an ARB line.. Is it torn apart? If not, just pick it up and wheel it.. Now, if its apart, then that won't fly..

Either way, That is wrong.. you told them you needed it for a trip and they have had it for > 2 months.. Sad to see a company go down the tubes, but it appears FST is no longer the place to let touch your rig.


Mark don't forget your clothes this time!

Also I have a set of 5 15x10 steel wheels 5on4.5 4" back space any interest can bring along if so.

do you have pictures

do you have pictures
Pictures. No one would want to see that.

Of course, I did stop at walmart as I went through brawley and bought a couple changes of clothes so I could change during the weekend so there wouldn't be any pictures. :)


What time are people showing up. I was planning on leaving here in Buena Park around noon. But I now have to instruct an agility clinic from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and will be leaving after that. My Dad however will be leaving Noon from Oceanside.


Once again FST blew it. Mark my word the Pumpkin is NEVER going back after this.

Rick, Sorry to hear that Pumpkin won't make it. I know it wouldn't be the same but Chris and I have free seats.:D

I'm leaving the Tucson area around 5:00 am. I should be there early to mid afternoon. It normally takes me 8+ hours from door to camp site depending on how my knees feel and if I stop for lunch.


Its just an ARB line.. Is it torn apart? If not, just pick it up and wheel it.. Now, if its apart, then that won't fly..

Either way, That is wrong.. you told them you needed it for a trip and they have had it for > 2 months.. Sad to see a company go down the tubes, but it appears FST is no longer the place to let touch your rig.


No that's not all it is. The part which feeds air into the bearing retainer was busted. They got that part back weeks ago. Yesterday they finally started putting it back together when they found that the carrier itself is cracked all the way through.

FREAKIN' IDIOTS... I should never have had them install those 5:13s, they screwed EVERYTHING UP!!!!

Rick, Sorry to hear that Pumpkin won't make it. I know it wouldn't be the same but Chris and I have free seats.:D

Sounds good. Char and I will take you up on that. Thanks:chug:

Ditto here. I'm by myself in the X again so I have plenty of free seats.

...And this time all the door open from the outside and all the windows roll up/down too.


Just got a call from FST. They told me that they would remiburse me $800+ for the ARB carrier. I told them thanks, but I don't want to put that into the 8.8, if I'm going new, I'm going to a D60. So... he said that when I'm ready to do the D60 they will take $800+ off the bill.

Guess I'm not done with them yet:rolleyes: That is unless I can just get them to put the money into the new D60 ARB and let me do the rest myself. We will have to see where this goes.

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What time are people showing up. I was planning on leaving here in Buena Park around noon. But I now have to instruct an agility clinic from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and will be leaving after that. My Dad however will be leaving Noon from Oceanside.

Chris and I are leaving LaMesa (san diego) around 10am Friday. Should be there just after noon time. We will set up our tent and blue easy up near one of the bushes. Tell your dad we wil also have a white flag up. Chris and I will do a run and be back to camp before sunset for sure.
