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Truck Haven Fall 2018 - Veterans Day Weekend

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Ranger is out of commission, just coming out to hang out with everyone and camp.
Still needs tires? I got some 40" Toyo's we can throw on it:D

Needs tires, oil pan, registration and insurance. 40s would be nice but my half ton axles wouldn't agree.

Thanks Rick

I think @R.J. has a spare pan :D

Five more days.

I know most participants are showing up Friday, but when is everyone leaving? I am planning on staying somewhere out there until the 14th. If everyone is leaving Monday, I am going to move closer to Borrego Springs for the last few days and camp off of Rockhouse Rd. Maybe make a run into Coyote Canyon area.

Staying till Monday

Arriving Late Wednesday night, leaving Monday AM..

Brian, I plan on calling when I stop for water at Red Earth, to find out where you parked at.

We don't need no maps. We have Brian

Looks like I am in..

My neighbor is loaning me his truck and trailer. I got the tires on the explorer last Sunday and I've driven it to work a few days (60 miles round trip) and other than the drivers window motor is weak (won't roll up/down on it's own) everything seems to be working.

Now I need to dig out my old tent and/or find a big ass tarp to just put over the pig board on the truck for a makeshift tent.

At the moment I'm heading out Thursday morning and coming back Sunday.


Five more days.

I know most participants are showing up Friday, but when is everyone leaving?

I plan on arriving Thursday afternoon and leaving Monday morning.

Five more days.

I know most participants are showing up Friday, but when is everyone leaving? I am planning on staying somewhere out there until the 14th. If everyone is leaving Monday, I am going to move closer to Borrego Springs for the last few days and camp off of Rockhouse Rd. Maybe make a run into Coyote Canyon area.

Im leaving my house around 530 friday morning so i should be out there in time for a day ride on friday. I'm Leaving Sunday morning to head back home.

DB, I got an open seat as well

We are down by 2 vehicles in the yard:bounce: need to fix exhaust leak in Icarus load it up. Norm gets shots in his hands Thurs morning. If all goes well we will leave Friday morning. Staying till Monday or later. Still looking for a buyer for the 85 ranger and the 87

I had to work yesterday instead of packing. I usually take two days to pack for a week long trip like this. I am going to wait until tomorrow morning to finish packing stuff like tools, welder and firewood, so I probably won't be out there until mid-afternoon. I am not in a big hurry to get out there this time anyways.

I invited three or four people to come out, and they still all "Maybe". They are all Jeep owners anyways, so no big loss. One of them voiced her concerns at scratching her Rubicon. I asked her why she bought a Rubicon if she did not plan on getting it dirty. She didn't have an answer.

Please take pictures and post when done.

I'm not a wheeler but more of a street rod guy but I like seeing the pictures of what you guys can do!

P.S. Be Safe But Have Fun!

I had to work yesterday instead of packing. I usually take two days to pack for a week long trip like this. I am going to wait until tomorrow morning to finish packing stuff like tools, welder and firewood, so I probably won't be out there until mid-afternoon. I am not in a big hurry to get out there this time anyways.

I invited three or four people to come out, and they still all "Maybe". They are all Jeep owners anyways, so no big loss. One of them voiced her concerns at scratching her Rubicon. I asked her why she bought a Rubicon if she did not plan on getting it dirty. She didn't have an answer.

It's not like there are really any bushes to scratch the paint on. :rolleyes:. But we can find a wall, I'm sure:D

It's not like there are really any bushes to scratch the paint on. :rolleyes:. But we can find a wall, I'm sure:D

Truckhaven pinstriping is a badge of honor... or a bad line.


I'll have empty seats too as it's just me coming out.


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Lol Still not bringing the H2! The thought of trying to get all the dust and dirt out of it makes me cringe. It's not a 100 point truck but it trys
