Truck of the Week Doug - 97 Sport 2/26/04 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck of the Week Doug - 97 Sport 2/26/04


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Hey my Name is Doug and im from Califon NJ and here is a list of all the things I have done on my truck.

2" TT and Shackles
3" Bodylift
35x12.5r15 Pro Comp M/Ts on black wagon wheels
Borg Warner 1354 manual shift transfercase
Replaced front and rear axles. went from 3.27 gears to 4.10
rancho rs 9000x shocks
Powertrax lockright rear locker
Herculined rockers
Hella 500s
Custom rocksliders
Flowmaster 50 series car back

Interior wise
Ripped out the carpet and herculined the floor
Soon to have 99 bucket seats
Cobra 29 cb with Wilson Lil'Wil 3ft whip
Hard Mounted my mag light and fire extinguisher
Pioneer deh-4400 HU
Pioneer something or other speakers in the doors a-5865 all around
2 12" kenwood tornadoes in a home built box
pioneer 700w amp
Hand Throttle

Crap I have and need to install
Gauge pod with Air/fuel mix and oil pressure
temp/compass overhead console
Replace the wal-mart special lights i have on my roof i have with a set of KC daylighters and Hella 500s

Wish list
coil sprung D44 up front (will definantly be a reality when the truck isnt my DD)

And i think thats all she wrote
and of course some pics... Dead Link Removed

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hey bro congrats we gotta meet up again and for some shows too....hooters was nice though.....

Way to go Fug! Try to keep it in once piece.

Thanks, Nothin like browsing new posts and seeing your truck as TOTW. :D Here's a current pic of my truck that hasnt made it's way into my page yet.


Congrats Doug!!!!

Think of it as a going away present:D

Man, you are my inspiration doug!
Got any high quality side shots? I want to see your fender flares.

I smell a "special TOTW award" coming.. hehehe :D
I think we are all going to miss Doug when he joins the Army in a few short weeks.

Here's another shot of Doug's trucks... more like his lights with the covers on..

congrats doug!!!! :thumbsup:


now go scrub the blue whitewall protector off your tires. :p

Way to go, Doug!

Is NJ area dominating the TOTW?!?

Congrats doug...nice looking rig :)


nice truck doug!

Congrats Doug.

And you can do a Dana 44 swap and still have it as your daily driver :)

YAAY for DOUGGGGGGGGG.......I'm def gonna miss Flash/Tool while ur gone....and u too...*wink*..i'll send ya lots and lots of pics of my truck too while ur gone..and try and keep ya in the loop..*Hug*

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Thanks for all the comments. I've got many more plans for my truck once i have a daily driver. Rudy, I'd love to hang out again but I'm in NJ for about another week and a half.

James you're more than welcome to come out here and scrub off the blue..

And of course thanks tara for keeping me in the loop. :p

Warform here's a decent side pic of my truck..

