Truckhaven 20th Anniversary Run MLK Weekend Jan. 15-17 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven 20th Anniversary Run MLK Weekend Jan. 15-17

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I'm going to put in my time off so I can head out on Thursday too...

I "think" the van is ready... I changed the u-joints and it's a good thing I did.. I had a cracked/broken cap and there were no needle bearings under that cap, just dust.

I just need to give it a once over (steering feels a little loose) and change the oil on the X... Otherwise I think I'm pretty close to ready...


Funny, Diesel is under $2/gal in the Central Valley around Buttonwillow.

[MENTION=1515]tdavis[/MENTION] we going to see you next week? :wavey:

No tires on the superduty, so if it keeps raining, the answer is no..

The weather gal on the news tonight says its going to rain until next Wednesday, including the deserts. Supposed to snow two feet in the local mountains tonight. Horse ranch was flooded, again.

Consider that Octillo Wells got .25" of rain today.. I'd have to tent it, and I am not a wet weather tent person.

Also if it's raining in SoCal, the Grapevine could be all messed, and if that happens, it's a really long wait or really long detour.

Consider that Octillo Wells got .25" of rain today.. I'd have to tent it, and I am not a wet weather tent person.

Also if it's raining in SoCal, the Grapevine could be all messed, and if that happens, it's a really long wait or really long detour.
I'm tenting it to this time too, but worse case scenario I have the back seat of the truck since I'm solo this time. This should be the final tent trip however. ;)

I understand the Grapevine thing. That's a total crap shoot. Although your welcome to hang out at my place if you stuck heading home. We're only 20 mins from the base.

It's going to be an interesting winter in Southern California. We moved all the expensive stuff out of the ranch tack room today because the floors got wet. Took the trailer home yesterday. Good thing we did because it flooded big time last night, and again today. Trailer parking area and driveway are under water.

Sarah asked me to bring the Explorer down and shuttle them across the new lake. I declined, told her to take the foot path on the high side. Did not feel like repacking wheel bearings and changing diff fluids.


This was taken yesterday after the big rain. All this because of a bird. The city refuses to clean brush and debris out of their storm drain that flows across the front of the ranch and into the creek because some endangered bird was found nesting in there. I bet its not there any more.

Egads... that's a lake for sure.

We had 1.7" here the night before last. Couldn't get out of our area until they pumped the water out of one of the low spots.

Hoping that Box Canyon Rd. won't be closed or that will add nearly an hour to our trip each way.

I just hope it stops raining before next Thursday.

Ditto.. In addition to running washes @ Truckhaven, the Van still leaks when it rains... worse when it's sitting still (windshield)..


There is a storm coming in next week Wednesday or Thursday. The storms seem to be pushing through faster then they think they will. We have had about 3" in the last 48hrs.

I hope the storm is in and out Wednesday and stays to the north.

We'll see.

Hoping that Box Canyon Rd. won't be closed or that will add nearly an hour to our trip each way.

It got flooded out Tues night, some idiots decided to go around the barriers and got stuck. Weather looks to be clear after this weekend but I'll keep an ear out on reports.

Don't forget your Christmas trees:D

Rain is out of the forecast now till after our run:thumbsup:

[MENTION=1515]tdavis[/MENTION] you now have no excuse! See you next week :D

I'm out. I'm doing a track day that weekend at California Speedway in my Cobra.

Come on Thursday... You can't get here soon enough!!:bounce:

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