Truckhaven Oct. 21st -23rd 20th Anniversary Run Part 2 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven Oct. 21st -23rd 20th Anniversary Run Part 2

Looks like I'll have to be out, I've got blow by bad enough right now to push oil out the base of my dipstick tube and through my crank vents

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Bring firewood please.
Sigh.. That's the one thing I don't have this time....

I are an idiot.. I had my weeks wrong until last Sunday (which is how I got tomorrow off.. different week)... so I didn't make it to the lumber yard to grab the 1/8th cord and they aren't open tomorrow... Of course, it's supposed to be hot so we won't need too much.... I can grab 5 bags from the ampm.... might even save me money since I won't be hauling the wood all the way...



@zukman Do you happen to have any round light covers in stock? I'm mis matched ;)

Bringing firewood

Any preference?

Looks like it's gonna be Friday afternoon for me, still have a bunch of prepping to do. Probably not going to have time to do a potluck dish but I will be bringing some firewood!

Again I'm new but where is this truck run going to be? What state?

California, near the Salton Sea

Drove JP to work today. First time driving really since Moab and the broken axle shaft.

I think there is something else broken, but in the front end. She was fine on the freeway, but I hit a set of railroad tracks at some speed and felt like the whole front corner was falling off, bucking and wobbling. Slowed it down and then it corrected it self like nothing happend. Don't see anything broken....o_O


OK, I'm officially in. Coming out Friday morning.

Im still in town.. It'll be dark by the time I get there tonight. Acidents made a mess of the only freeway... At walmart grabbing food...


You need a custom set primarily of orange with a green stem. Something like.......

Leaving in a few minutes. Should be out there by 1:30.

LOL, a crazy pumpkin.

I'll be leaving in no time. What? I mean, at no time will I be leaving. I'll be at home pretended to be out there.

Drove JP to work today. First time driving really since Moab and the broken axle shaft.

I think there is something else broken, but in the front end. She was fine on the freeway, but I hit a set of railroad tracks at some speed and felt like the whole front corner was falling off, bucking and wobbling. Slowed it down and then it corrected it self like nothing happend. Don't see anything broken....o_O


We'll found the issue at lunch. Welds broke on the upper shock mount on passenger rear. It's wedged in under the cage mount and way to long to pop out, so it's not going anywhere. I'll fix it before I head out Friday.

Made it here. There is no one else, I mean no one else out here.

The road up to the mesa has changed. It's easier to take this route:
After turning off of S-86, make an obvious angled right at about 1/10 mile. It cuts the corner and the other road is passable, but no fun for RV. Follow that trail. If you stay on the most obvious trail angling towards the Mesa access trail, which is visible, you should not have too much trouble. Slow and steady for the RV's. Good news is the way up to the mesa is wider and smoother. Total distance from S-86 to campsite is 1.2 miles.

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