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Originally posted by Peter Weber

Didn't you get this F-150 as a tow vehicle to haul 'Vegas' around? So, haul Vegas and yourself down to Truckhaven. :D

Yeah... but that's an awfully far way to drive for somewhere I've already been when I'm already low on dough :). I'll decide within a few days hopefully though.

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Potluck Item!


Put us down for a Three Bean Salad!

Also: Matt Adams: Try to make it if you can! It won't be the same without You and Vegas!

Okay, with all the bean dishes I have one question.

Who's bringing the Bean-O?

Sheez matt, do we have start a "vegas" fund?

Come on, it's just money! Beg for it if you have too!

Char - Is beano considered a condiment? If so, I'm not bringing it..


Can you buy bean-o in the Bulk at Costco? Just bring lots of matches to burn. Or theres going to be a lot of this :bounce:

Personally, I'm thinking of Blazing Saddles...

Whooo Weee!

Originally posted by tdavis
Personally, I'm thinking of Blazing Saddles...

Whooo Weee!

LOL! Oh Tom, all I could think of while reading all of this was that scene in Blazing Saddles!

Have we got culture and class or what?


"Hey Boss, want some more beans?"

Boss replies, "I think you guys have had enough"

I just watched Blazing Saddles a couple of weeks ago. I also thought of that seen and started roflmao until I wet myself. Okay, j/k about the last part.

Yes, Tom, I think it is a condoment, but we'll let you off on bringing it. Besides Gopher might be getting it in bulk at Costco.

Gopher, Costco has everything else in bulk. Why not Bean-o?


What's going on, getting too exited about the 'official' Truckhaven meeting? I noticed two spelling mistakes in your last post.

I only saw one, but I am very tired today and not feeling well so I didn't notice sorry.


Just kidding, nothing to be sorry about. :D
See you next Friday.

Char2 (the eviler), put me down for Mexican rice. And no, I'm not making it. My wife is. :)

How about some of those carrots Bill!!

Refresh my memory, Rick. Did I bring some once before, or are you just talking spicy carrots in general?


I'll bring a derssert cherry cheese cake

Put me down for German Potato Salad. Unless someone can think of something else thats easy to keep for a few days. I'm going out Thursday afternoon.

Just bumping this to the top. Some people have not signed up yet.

Wow, somehow I mucked this up and posted a similar post on a Northern Run organizing thread...No idea how that happened.

Anyway, I am curious about the Pot Luck in regards to what's going to be available for folks to cook on, etc. Specifically for folks like myself who aren't planning on camping.

What is going to available for cooking the meat?

We were considering bringing a pot of chili and some cornbread to share, being as it sounds like, weather or no, it'll be a bit cold. Hot chili on a cold night sounds pretty good.

So, if we do that, we'll need something to heat the pot on.

Of course, I can always bring my Coleman stove if I need too, but I was curious as to what is (or isn't) going to be made available.

Someone is bringing plates and forks and whatnot?

Should I just bring a stick to hang over the open bonfires and stick my steak on?

3 days and counting...

Last I knew somebody was bringing some chili.....but nobody has the forks and what. I will grab some garbage bags and bring them with me, so put me down for those.

I plan on bringing a small grill with me that you are more than welcome to use. Add to that a cast iron skillet and I'm set for the weekend.

See you there.

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I will be bring a 2 burner propane stove and a little smokey Joe, and will share with those who need it. If someone has something to put the stove on, that would be great, as I don't have a table or stand for it.
