Truckhaven Turkey Day run '08 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven Turkey Day run '08


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...Thought I would get this started and see if we had interest in it for this year...Gas is down to $2.89 today and it should start cooling off...If you want to go let's hear it...

...Maybe we could do a pot luck dinner too..:dunno:

...Here's a link to last years run..;)

Bluff Camp Area.



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Definitely interested, I may tear into the truck this week so who knows where that will lead me. Just hope it's all back together in time for this run.


...Maybe we could do just an exploring and cruising trip??? With a night run or two...It seems to be the request...:dunno:

waiting to get a little closer to thanksgiving. Have alot of stuff to get done around the house and the truck so we'll see:rolleyes:

...Maybe we could do just an exploring and cruising trip??? With a night run or two...It seems to be the request...:dunno:

My only request is that the group keeps moving to maximize the time we have out on the run. We seem to be starting later in the mornings too...we're lacking Char's motivation:p:

...:bounce:...I have no problem getting people up early and moving...I just tend to take people left instead of right...:D

...I think TH for Turkey day will be minimul trucks though..:dunno:...I think there was 6 trucks last year..:scratch:


i'll see if i can make it or not

Tracy and I are having Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year. We are having family from out of town so I am not sure what I can do. I am assuming truckhaven is the place? If so I might be able to swing out on Saturday for the day. I hope to have the ranger back together by then.

I'll be in SD for thanksgiving, so hopefully i can go straight from there.

sounds like fun but I'm out Family stuff.....

Doing family stuff on Thursday, should be able to make it for Friday-Sunday. That is, if I can get the Explorer back together and it works, and we don't decide to go to Calico (another group, more family oriented; you guys all need to go out and get married, have some kids and bring them along:confused:).

Doing family stuff on Thursday, should be able to make it for Friday-Sunday. That is, if I can get the Explorer back together and it works, and we don't decide to go to Calico (another group, more family oriented; you guys all need to go out and get married, have some kids and bring them along:confused:).


probally going to sit this one out...I'm gonna work on the house I think:rolleyes: The faster I get it to a certin point, the faster I can go back to playing with the Explorer:D


probally going to sit this one out...I'm gonna work on the house I think:rolleyes: The faster I get it to a certin point, the faster I can go back to playing with the Explorer:D
I was thinking of you and your family when I was writing this. Nicely done.
You never get finished with the house either, just like a trail rig. It never ends.

my x is having sme issues as well

I'll keep watching this to see if anyone else may back out. My dad and I might just do Coyote Canyon if it's just us. There is shade in that area,plus I haven't been there for years. :) My dad went over Halloween weekend.





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Im A Tinkering As Much As I Can...where Is Coyote Cyn???
Posted via Mobile Device
