True Duals/ H- Pipe/ Flowmasters on a 4.0 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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True Duals/ H- Pipe/ Flowmasters on a 4.0 SOHC


Explorer Addict
September 23, 2003
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1999 Ford Explorer Sport
Hey guys,
In the past ive ran many exhaust systems, but never a true dual set up. Ive been listening to 05+ 4.0 stangs with true duals and they sound nice. Figuring we have the same motors, ive been drawing up plans to do this to my truck.

Currently Im running 2.5" off-road Y pipe (no cats), in to a single in/out hooker maxflow muffler. I was thinking of cutting off the Y part of my Y pipe, converting it to an H pipe, and running that into two 2.5" Flowmasters, then dumping out the rear. I would also remove the spare. My question is this

Where exactly does the H pipe need to be placed? Does it matter?

Also, Im in limbo when it comes to the mufflers. I know exactly what the super 40/original 40/ and delta 40's are, but what exactly is the american thunder 40's? Any ideas?

i dont really think where the H pipe is located matters as long as its there. I think what the difference is the inside sound level. I have onbly herd an american thunder 40 on a 6.0 chevy 3500 and it sounds low and deep and sick. I talked to the kid and he said on the highway there is no resonance at all so i think its just the interior sound level. Hope that helps

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