Turn signals not working all the time? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Turn signals not working all the time?


August 25, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
southeastern WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer XLT 4x4
Occationally my turn signals and wiper/window washer will not work. When that happens I can move the lever to the high beam position and they will work then. I also noticed that when this happens there is a static (old tube radio sound) in the dash. Do anyone have a clue what is going on?



Sounds like a multi-function switch (MFS) problem - especially with the static/buzzing noise akin to old TV tubes.

And I'll add that sometimes while the MFS buzzes, your nose will sense the smell of smoke; that's the dielectric grease inside the switch cooking from the arcing :oops:

This is a pretty common problem part that's been well documented/well known on the forum.

You can pay all sorts of $$$ for this part - up to $60 or so - but the fact is the new replacements are all made at the same factory in China...

BELOW is a LINK to the NEW one that I bought about 5 - 6 years ago for $20 and Free Shipping off of Ebay

It's a one hour maximum job (again, very well documented) that you can do yourself in the garage - basic hand tools; phillips head screwdriver and if I remember correctly a torx bit.

It's a little tedious because you don't want to lose the MFS mounting screws down the steering column, so set aside a time slot where you won't feel rushed.

Hope that helps!

EBAY LINK: Multi Function Combination Turn Signal Switch for Ford Mazda Mercury | eBay


I'd also look at the MFS, but it seems too coincidental that both the turn signals and wiper would both go out simultaneously unless you have a problem with the connector to your MFS. They can have the pins pull out the back.

If both problems did not occur simultaneously, you could need both something done to the connector, and a new (or clean it out yourself which is what I did on my '98) MFS.

The static sound is likely just the turn single flasher module trying but failing to toggle due to the MFS or its connector problem.
