U1900 code 06 Explorer Limited | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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U1900 code 06 Explorer Limited


October 2, 2014
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06 Ford Explorer Limited
06 Explorer V8. 6 speed auto transmission. 2WD. Seems like a transmission problem. At steady speeds the RPM's jump a little intermittently. Like tonight driving through town 35mph. RPM's jump from 1200 to 1500 or so over and over. Other times it will seemingly "search for a gear"? It will lunge as if it is in the incorrect gear. Autozone checked the engine code and pulled the U1900. Any ideas?

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Unfortunately that is just a generic code and doesn't really tell you specifically what the problem is. The only way to know for sure is to find someone with a high end code reader or take it to ford and pay the $100 diagnostic fee to find out exactly what the specific codes are. Definitely a communication problem, but without more information cannot really say where. If I were to just take a shot in the dark, I would pull the transmission connector and clean it and seat it back real good to see if that helps at all.

I had your same issue and also solved by dropping the pan and changing the trans filter and refilling. YMMV.

I had your same issue and also solved by dropping the pan and changing the trans filter and refilling. YMMV.

I bought the fluid yesterday as well as Lucas additive to put in with it. The filter had to be ordered and will be in today. I'll drop the pan Saturday morning. Wish me luck!

I bought the fluid yesterday as well as Lucas additive to put in with it. The filter had to be ordered and will be in today. I'll drop the pan Saturday morning. Wish me luck!

Good luck ! I would recommend against putting any kind of uncalled for additive in though. This transmission is very specific in the fluid type and modifiers that it requires.

X2 on above advice. Mercon SP only in a 6R60 trans.

Good luck ! I would recommend against putting any kind of uncalled for additive in though. This transmission is very specific in the fluid type and modifiers that it requires.

I did buy the Merc SP fluid. No doubt on that one. Any specific reasons for not using the Lucas? I have used Lucas for oil and transmissions for years with great results. Anyone on here have bad luck with it in the 6R60? I definitely don't want to cause other issues.

The 6r60 is known for being very temperamental when the fluid is not specifically what Ford calls for. If you want to put it in, go for it, but what they are saying is that if the transmission shifts erratic after putting it in you cannot rule out that the fluid is not causing the issue.

The 6r60 is known for being very temperamental when the fluid is not specifically what Ford calls for. If you want to put it in, go for it, but what they are saying is that if the transmission shifts erratic after putting it in you cannot rule out that the fluid is not causing the issue.

Makes perfect sense. I'll change the fluid today and post the results. Thanks!

Makes perfect sense. I'll change the fluid today and post the results. Thanks!

Okay, so finally got a break from work and dropped the pan and changed the fluid and filter. I was only able to get a little over 4 quarts of fluid out of the pan. Should it be more? With the new fluid, a noticeable difference in the firmness of the shifting and overall seems to run better. Problem is, it still seems to "search" for a gear and the RPM's still fluctuate somewhat although it does seem to be a little less maybe? Maybe wishful thinking. The fluid was pretty black but no shavings on the magnet which is good. What are the odds that a complete flush and fluid change at the dealer would remedy the problem completely? A shop guy is telling me that it's probably the torque converter going bad and that's about $1000.

The transmission has to be at operating temperature when you go to change the fluid since it has a temperature controlled check valve. That is why you only got about 4 quarts out of it.
