ugh dont know what else | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ugh dont know what else


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August 2, 2012
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1998 ford explorer xlt
ok so in the last week my car overheated. i have changed the radiator thermostat water pump and all the hoses and it still is leaking coolant what else can it be????????

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Agreed- it could be anything from a cracked overflow tank to a freeze plug to a hose to a heater core and everything in between. More info...! :)

I have a 92 xplorer and a few months ago had an issue with it leaking, turned out to be a timing chain cover gasket, costed me 600 for them to drop engine a little, remove cover, and replace a 5.00 gasket.

its a 4.0 efi 6 cyl its leaking on the ground when i fill it all the way up but when i only put about a gallon in it it dont leak pressure is fine water pump seals are fine took it to a mechanic and of course i wont leak while any one else is looking at it the puddle is right behind the passenger side tire and overflow tank is still full

You have to follow the fluid up from the ground. I had a puddle of coolant directly under my cross over pipe. I followed it up to cylinder head. In my case I had a head gasket that corroded and leaked outside the cylinder head. First, determine what area the leak is coming from. With a puddle behind passenger tire, I suspect overflowing reserve tank. That's not good because you would be getting too much pressure in your radiatior, for example.

Isn't that where the heater control valve is?

i thank you guys but i dont know i drove it about a hundred miles today and not one leak so i think i was getting too much pressure in the radiator causing the tank to overflow so far its been ok not even a hint of overheating.

i thank you guys but i dont know i drove it about a hundred miles today and not one leak so i think i was getting too much pressure in the radiator causing the tank to overflow so far its been ok not even a hint of overheating.

I can almost guarrante that it is your heater control valve leaking. Mine was leaking in the same place with the same engine and that's what it was. It was intermitant also so I couldn't always get it to do it. My stock one failed so I replaced it with an aftermarket and that immediately failed, then I replaced with another new stock one and was fine ever since.

I'm thinking the same thing... HCV.

ok i checked the hcv and there is not any leak from anywhere there, could it be the seal on my water pump is not holding well cause it seems the leak is coming from the bottom of the engine

You're going to have to climb under and try to trace it. May have to clean everything off and wait for a leak to pinpoint. No way we can pinpoint the leak, too many variables.

ok i checked the hcv and there is not any leak from anywhere there, could it be the seal on my water pump is not holding well cause it seems the leak is coming from the bottom of the engine

The HCV leaks intermitantly. Next time you notice it leaking check that.. I've been there and that's why I suggest this..

I had a Commodore once that when I had the heater control set to a certain level a pin hole leak would come from the valve arm on the HCV. I only noticed it because at the lights it was spraying onto the hot exhaust manifold and steam was rising from between the hood and quater panel.
