Update For Rear Camera Recall Disabled My Explorer Today! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Update For Rear Camera Recall Disabled My Explorer Today!


Well-Known Member
August 11, 2020
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City, State
Saint John, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Limited Hybrid AWD
You cant make this đź’© up.

While at dealear for other problems they preformed the update for Camera recall. My phone lit up with Park Aid Malfunction and Powertrain Malfunction / Reduced Power.

My Explorer will spend the night at the Dealer, waiting for some module(s). The cameras had worked fine from day one.

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Geeeesh.. The problems with newer vehicles are Crazy.

Just wait until all vehicles are electric.

My problem with electric vehicles is the way we obtain the materials to construct them
Other than that seems like a lot of fun

Ford has not as of yet released a permanent fix for the rear camera issue. On my Ford Owners page it still shows a recall is in order but as of today no permanent fix has been developed.

Here's an idea fix the one's who have a problem. Mine until they attempted a Fix WORKED fine. I wish the rest of the vehicle worked as well.


Fix this as this is why I was at dealer today, you were to install the parts that you ordered.


You cant make this đź’© up.

While at dealear for other problems they preformed the update for Camera recall. My phone lit up with Park Aid Malfunction and Powertrain Malfunction / Reduced Power.

My Explorer will spend the night at the Dealer, waiting for some module(s). The cameras had worked fine from day one.
I'm not sure what module they are waiting for. To the best of my knowledge and from what I heard last is that the fix is a camera replacement. The ETA for my 2023 Aviator, ordered Oct. 31st is now September 19th. BTW, no issue with the one in my 2020 Aviator.
Apparently, the cause of the issue has been identified but the fix is still weeks away.


I thought I had read somewhere in the last few days that software was part of the recall. With that said when they were preforming the recall one or two modules failed. I never really followed the Camera recall because I never had a problem with it. I give up I drove it in and left in a Escape

Ford has not as of yet released a permanent fix for the rear camera issue. On my Ford Owners page it still shows a recall is in order but as of today no permanent fix has been developed.
Those who can Read will find this interesting


THIS SOFTWARE F***** MY vehicle today THEE END

Issue Date
You may intermittently experience a rear camera blue or black image on the sync screen when the vehicle is placed in reverse or when the 360 degree view is selected and available during low-speed operation. Once displayed, the rear camera blue or black image may persist for the remainder of the ignition on cycle. Once present, the issue is likely to reoccur on subsequent key cycles.
Safety Risk
The loss of the rear camera image while in reverse increases the risk of a crash.
Currently, Ford Motor Company does not have a permanent fix available. If you observe a blue or black screen on the rearview 360 degree camera when in reverse, Ford has authorized your dealer to update the camera systems software as an interim repair prior to availability of the permanent fix. The interim repair is anticipated to become available beginning the week of August 7, 2023 and is being offered free of charge parts and labor.
Next Steps
Contact your local dealer and schedule a maintenance appointment. To find your local dealer, use the "find a dealer" feature below.

My rear and 360 camera has worked fine since new. Occasionally there is a problem if I put it in reverse right after starting the car. My car is due for service and has other recalls, but I'm afraid to take it to a dealer for fear they will do some Ford mandated thing that breaks things that currently work. I read somewhere that they were deleting 360 cameras and giving credits. I want none of that. If they try to remove stuff I will be loudly unhappy. Looking forward to a Ford free future.

I thought I had read somewhere in the last few days that software was part of the recall. With that said when they were preforming the recall one or two modules failed. I never really followed the Camera recall because I never had a problem with it. I give up I drove it in and left in a Escape
I believe the software update is for those vehicles under the recall that have already been sold and are on the road. It is only temporary.


I believe the software update is for those vehicles under the recall that have already been sold and are on the road. It is only temporary.

I don't need a temporary fix for a problem I don't have. They can only make it worse. Again, I read somewhere that Ford was deleting 360 deg cameras and giving people a credit. Perhaps this is for cars on order or something. But if deleting a feature I paid for, that works, and replacing it with something less capable is their "permanent fix", I'll have none of it.

I don't need a temporary fix for a problem I don't have. They can only make it worse. Again, I read somewhere that Ford was deleting 360 deg cameras and giving people a credit. Perhaps this is for cars on order or something. But if deleting a feature I paid for, that works, and replacing it with something less capable is their "permanent fix", I'll have none of it.
The temporary fix is only for those owners that have had the issue with the camera.


The temporary fix is only for those owners that have had the issue with the camera.

As of now the Vehicle Status Alerts have Cleared.....from what I gather when software was being updated they lost connection durring the update which then caused one or two modules crash / fail. They said it took 5 times to load it. I would refuse this update if I were goint to ford for any other service.

I relate this to doing a bios update on PC if the update gets interrupted you're hosed.

It's Heiniken time ....I have a Tuesday appointment at Ford.

The temporary fix is only for those owners that have had the issue with the camera.

Not sure WHY they updated mine I said nothing to them and had NO problem with cameras.

I thought that if you brought your vehicle in for any other type of service, they automatically applied the fix whether you reported an issue or not.

My rear and 360 camera has worked fine since new. Occasionally there is a problem if I put it in reverse right after starting the car. My car is due for service and has other recalls, but I'm afraid to take it to a dealer for fear they will do some Ford mandated thing that breaks things that currently work. I read somewhere that they were deleting 360 cameras and giving credits. I want none of that. If they try to remove stuff I will be loudly unhappy. Looking forward to a Ford free future.

Same situation here. 2020 ST, never had an issue with the backup camera, and I have never brought the vehicle back to Ford for any service, I do it all on my own. I feel that allowing them to mess with the recall will bring nothing, but aggravation as it has with others.

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The temporary fix is only for those owners that have had the issue with the camera.


Never an issue with ours, yet Ford Pass shows there are two recalls incomplete, both for the 360 degree camera.
