Upgrades on the '06 Super Duty tow rig | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Upgrades on the '06 Super Duty tow rig


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February 16, 2001
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43°48′48″N 91°13′59″W
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4 do'
So I have decided that I'm going to hang onto my 2006 F250 Crew for a little while. All the other trucks I've had in the past lacked something I was looking for which spurred the reason to sell and find the next best deal. This truck has it all, it rides well, came with backup sensors (very nice for a large truck), built in brake controller, windows were tinted, etc.

So I started with
'06 F250 CC lariat, heated seats, 6.0 powerstroke diesel
for extras it had
Superlift 6" suspension Kit with full rear spring pack
37x13.50x22 Kuhmo MT tires
dual steering stabilizer
5% tint
dual exhaust
billet grill
custom sub box, amp and rockford component speakers.

I was pretty stoked when I scored this truck, even my '04 was sadly missed, but it didn't have backup sensors (which made that truck a pig to park), window tint or any audio when I bought it. I put 38x15.5x20 Nitto Mud Grapplers on that truck and it was so loud, I gladly sold that rig after driving it a year and a half, not to mention I pretty much got out of it for what I paid.

I found this truck with 10K more on the odometer for a grand less than what I paid for my '04. I was quite pleased when I realized the extras that I didn't even know about when I bought it.

Within weeks I purchased an Alpine touch screen DVD player with sirius and an ipod interface and have been enjoying that. I was going to sell the truck before it needed tires (sounds funny, but trust me, I've had 9 Powerstrokes, made some money on all of them) but with the economy the way it is but instead ran a set of 37" BFG MTS I had lying around for a while.

My only complaint on this truck is
1) I installed a 2" leveling kit on top of my 6" lift to raise the front, making it for bad angle on the ball joints and tough steering
2) rear springs were too soft, therefore it dropped with a trailer pretty low.

I for one am not the biggest Superlift fan, but this truck rode well before I messed with it. If I had it my way I would buy the Kelderman air ride kit, but I don't have $10K to drop on a air ride lift that adjusts from 6" to 15" lift.

I found a correction by ordering the correct radius arm mounts from Superlift and also purchased a set of Airlift airbags off of Craigslist for $200 inlcuding in cab controller, this kit should be like $500-600 but somebody was trading in their F350.

I modified the kit to work with my lifted truck and installed it all last weekend.

I like it, put my 22s back on, wired up the bags, installed the radius arm mounts and will enjoy this truck for a couple more years. Thinking about going 40s when it's time for new tires, the 37s are kinda dinky now that my front and rear lift are both sitting at 8" instead of 6. The airbags raised my rear 2" when not all that full and 3" fully aired up!

Here is a pic of the truck pre-airbags, little baja looking. It's pouring rain so I thought I'd share my project here in Explorerland. Pics to come post rain.


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Wow that is a great looking truck

I have been considering a excursion and the f250 SD

Lookin good. Makes me miss mine. :(

Gool lookin truck, but your right your tires are too small :D

Gool lookin truck, but your right your tires are too small :D

I know, you ended up with the Big 37s, I got the little ones.

Only other choice on the 22s is 40x15.5x22

I looked at selling this truck a while ago, but now I'm going to hang onto it. With diesel at $4 a gallon, I have disciplined myself to burn less than a tank a week. I still really want a rig I can camp in, but for now I'll make do with this and a hotel vs. a motor home that gets crushed in mileage.

Also on a funny note, I took my dog for a stroll last night and went past my buddy's house and just had to snap this pic. Over a year ago I dropped him off in style, I'm sure his neighbors were impressed, he said he thinks of me every time he leaves his house.

6.0+programmer+powerbrake+drunk lippy friend= lawn job, except I missed the lawn and tagged the walk.


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Hahahah, you left a one wheel peel!!! That's classic! Good deal in deciding to keep your PSD.

yeah I know, It's not like I'm going to put a LSD or locker in the rear of my DD. I've gotten that truck to some pretty nasty places that it should not be going. My most memorable was in Truckhaven in the beginning of '07 when I broke my ubolts and messed up my exploder. I used the superduty and trailer as a recovery and towed my truck up a decent hill climb with some minor articulation. Lots of momentum and careful driving needed there.

Oh C'mon! You've gone through far too many high HP diesels to be kickin out 1 wheel wonders! Good think you've still got an early expo... ;)

wooooohoooooo. Thanks to Craigslist I'm now the proud owner of a set of four(4) Toyo MT 37x13.50R22, scored for $400, probably 50-75% tread...new this tire is $475 each at the cheapest I found them. Chalk up another grand I can piss into the Explorer!!!

nice 06 super duty u got there danny

That's a fantastic price. I'm assuming it was a local, private party... Actually, I may know someone who had those same tires for sale, but I don't recall the exact size; wouldn't it be crazy if you bought his tires?

yeah, they were at some local tire shack off 17th ave and Van Buren. I'm going to store them until my Kuhmo's are dead in the water.

In bad news, the Superduty started choking out and died on my Friday night. If I let it sit for a few minutes it would fire back up and go another 10 miles and then idle really rough. I'm thinking maybe a bad fuel filter???

Evil Eye, you had any issues with your truck warranty wise? This truck has spent some serious time in the shop for me.

yeah, they were at some local tire shack off 17th ave and Van Buren. I'm going to store them until my Kuhmo's are dead in the water.

In bad news, the Superduty started choking out and died on my Friday night. If I let it sit for a few minutes it would fire back up and go another 10 miles and then idle really rough. I'm thinking maybe a bad fuel filter???

Evil Eye, you had any issues with your truck warranty wise? This truck has spent some serious time in the shop for me.
I just PM'd you, but yes my truck was in the shop a lot! In fact, my wife HATED it. I have now done a number of mods that have eliminated most of the stuff that was failing. EGR cooler, head gaskets, front end death wobble, HPOP quick disconnect, VGT solenoid, etc... You get the idea. Anyway, give me a call if you ever need a hand, bud. I'll PM you with my cell phone number.

So here's my truck with a section525 startup kit, getting towed by a chevy. Thankfully I only needed to go a few miles, but that trailer was umm, maybe, a little overloaded.

So the dealer says it's the alternator and the wiring connecting this.

This is the second powerstroke I've had the alternator go out on, it's kinda a crock of crap because the battery voltage light does not come on when the alternator quits charging, it comes on when voltage is at a certain level (under 12 I'm guessing). So basically your engine won't have enough voltage to keep running but it has enough to charge the battery so the light won't come on. That is one thing I always liked about my explorers. The battery warning light will come on as soon as there is no charge coming from the alternator.

So is $590 a decent price for an alternator? Probably not considering Rockauto stocks one for $200. I still am skeptical that this will solve my issues.


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rock auto $200
autozone $219 reman lifetime warranty, $299 new lifetime warranty
napa $239 lifetime warranty
pep boys $167 lifetime warranty

Ford $590 3 year warranty. Hmm, I wonder why people don't like to have the dealer handle their service?
