Users/Owners of Edelbrock SDT, Hooker Max Flow & aero chambered mufflers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Users/Owners of Edelbrock SDT, Hooker Max Flow & aero chambered mufflers


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July 1, 2009
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'05 Mountaineer 4.6L
Ok, i am getting ready to install my new magnaflow cats (bolt on's), rear o2 sensors and my new tail pipe from rockauto (nice quality and look btw), so the last piece of this puzzle is the muffler.

I am running a flowmaster 40 series (american thunder) right now and that muffler will be more of a pain to try and make it work, so instead im going to grab a different muffler. the 3 i am looking at are:::

Hooker Maximum Flow
Hooker Aero Chambered
Edelbrock SDT

Now before you guys tell me to hit youtube up and take a listen, i have. But there are not many vids of 4.0L explorers to really make a decision and get a good "feel" for the muffler/sound.

so that is where this comes in. I am looking for people running either muffler i listed and if you have time, take a sample clip (idle, take off, ect). it would be appreciated.

also would be interested in hearing just verbal comments on either muffler.

currently i am leaning toward the SDT or Max Flow, but idk for sure.

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Now before you guys tell me to hit youtube up and take a listen, i have.
I personally think exhaust videos are almost pointless in determining how the exhaust will sound in real life - the microphone picks up different frequencies than the human ear and those frequencies are further distorted through compression.

I personally think exhaust videos are almost pointless in determining how the exhaust will sound in real life - the microphone picks up different frequencies than the human ear and those frequencies are further distorted through compression.

as much as i understand and 1/2 way agree, I got damn near the same sound out of my flowmaster as i was hearing from the videos.. and was glad i went that route.

i do agree w/you though... i know im not going to hear the "Exact" sound my truck will produce, i am just looking for some sample clips/vids from others w/a 4.0L and the mufflers i listed so i can get a general idea just like i did w/my flowmaster..

well i pulled the trigger on the Edelbrock SDT found a dual in/single out plus i had a $20 discount from summit, so what better time to use it :).

well, after i get these frig'n exhaust bolts loose and put in the magnaflow cats i'll give a little review of the SDT after i have some drive time w/it.

-crossing fingers, hope i made the right choice-

so how is the muffler?

so how is the muffler?

sorry forgot to update this.

at first i had it on for about a week-and a half and took it off because it got obnoxiously loud at times and threw my flowmaster 40 series back on after altering it (made the dual out a single out).

well about 4-5 weeks ago, I was bored sitting in the garage and wanted to give the edelbrock another shot (excuse to work on her as well :)) and im kind of glad i did.

I found that the first time i welded it up (still kind of new to welding), there must have been some leaks that made it obnoxious at times. because it sounds a hell of a lot better and quieter now than the first time, i triple checked for leaks, None.. it does still get "loud'ish" around the 2200-3000rpm range but Nothing like before.

The pros:
-Sounds Great when in the 3800-5500rpm range
-has a pretty nice growl to it @ idle
-No real drown until you hit about 75mph

The cons:
-expect a louder than normal 2200-3000rpm range (judging from the last 2 mufflers ive had on her)
-Drown gets kind of annoying @ 80+mph

hope that helps. i will update this when i throw a hooker max flow on (next on list)

cool how hard would it be to get a sound clip from ya....

not that hard.

here is 2 i had on my phone. they are from my LG Versa, so the sound is not the best. i'll try to remember to take the digi w/me one day for better sound and different take off vids.



thanks safn.

didnt want to bump the thread, but here is a new vid for anyone that comes across the thread.


Have you tried the hooker max flow yet I was thinking about getting one but i have read a good review and a really bad review so trying to see if any one else has tried it

Have you tried the hooker max flow yet I was thinking about getting one but i have read a good review and a really bad review so trying to see if any one else has tried it

Afboy143(member of this site) has tried it, im sure he wouldnt mind if you pm'd him and ask what he thought about it. here is a little he had to say on it from the 4.0 exhaust thread

i have yet to try it out for personal experience, soon though. if you dont mind can you post a link of the really bad review? since im looking into trying it i would like to read it. thanks.

edelbrock I personally think exhaust videos are almost pointless in determining how the exhaust will sound in real life - the microphone picks up different frequencies than the human ear and those frequencies are further distorted through compression.

I completely agree with your point of view, videos don't do justice to the sounds. Nothing like hearing it in person.
