Uwharrie 2025 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uwharrie 2025


Well-Known Member
January 29, 2020
Reaction score
somewhere in the swamps
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport 4x4
Well, folks, here we are two weeks into the new year. I've already decided to keep up the tradition of running to Uwharrie (near Troy, NC) and as such, will be needing to coordinate this year's run with those who are interested.

I missed the group last year, but still made the trip. Hopefully this year we'll all be able to get together on the trails, and not break any thing expensive!

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I'm looking forward to it and will planning a bit better for it! Hopefully it'll be a better turn out and look forward to finally getting to meet some of yall in person, and being able thank some of yall for all the help over the years!
But c'mon, seriously, breaking stuff is where half of the funs at! lmao

As of now, the schedule is looking like mid-summer to early fall, as usual.

These maps are outdated, as some trails added and/or modified since these were made.





@DemonMudder Speak for yourself, I haven't finished trail testing my Sport since I wasted the front suspension in last year's Uwharrie run!

I definitely prefer the idea of fall, partially for some nice cool weather and beautiful colors, but also I got one heck of a work schedule planned for this summer, need to seriously build my savings back up or I won't be likely to make it myself. But, time will tell too!

And yeah, I have to agree with good luck not breaking anything, after all, we gotta drive these rigs home still! lmao

If it wasn't so far. And I had a trailer and rig to haul it. those trails look like fun.


If it wasn't so far. And I had a trailer and rig to haul it. those trails look like fun.

Never know what life will be like by then, never say never lol
