Uwharrie National Park - July 3rd, 4th, & 5th - | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Uwharrie National Park - July 3rd, 4th, & 5th -

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Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
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City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
The dates have been set. We are set to go for a run at the Uwharrie National Park on July 3 - 5.

I will be adding hotel links and other info you may want to know about over the next few days. What I need everyone to do is to say going, possibly, or not going. I will update the list as follows.

Info on Uwharrie NP:

Total length: 16 miles
Open Season: April 1st to December 15th
Fees: $5.00 per-day per vehicle and OHV or a season pass for $30.00 per person.

DANIEL TRAIL Length 2.0 miles
DICKEY BELL TRAIL Length 2.7 miles
DUTCH JOHN TRAIL Length 2.1 miles
FALLS DAM TRAIL Length 3.3 miles
WOLF DEN TRAIL Length 0.9 mile
SAWMILL TRAIL Length 1.2 miles
ROCKY MOUNT LOOP Length 2.8 miles
SLABPILE TRAIL Length 1.0 mile

The off-highway vehicle trail system in the Uwharrie offers a variety of topography and scenery. All trails are designated for all off-highway vehicles, except for a small portion of the Dickey Bell Trail located west of SR 6584 which is suitable only for use by ATV’s or motorcycles. Stay on the trail system to help prevent soil erosion and creek sedimentation, which occur as a result of illegal trail use. FS roads can be used as trail connectors, but all vehicles operating on the road system must be "street legal" meaning that the vehicles are fully licensed, inspected and registered. Persons violating these regulations will be fined according to the law. Helmets are required on the OHV trail system (Guys this is for atv & ect). The trail system is subject to a seasonal closure during the winter months in order to prevent unacceptable soil erosion and stream sedimentation.

Where can you stay:

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The Group with be staying at the Arrowhead Campground as a whole. You dont have to stay there but most of us will be. Try to get a spot soon so you will have one because they will go fast with it being a public park. Here is the link where you can check out what is left to get.

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List of those going:
Burns (2 people) (Site 32)
LBarr2002 (? people) (Site 43 and 42)
ExploreringNC (? people) (Site 36)
ScottB (? people) (Site 23)
Thepotroast (? people) (Site 12)
Brandon96 (2 people) (Site ?)
Fishfood (? people) (Site 39)

Possible Wheelers:

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I'll probably reserve a spot or two at Arrowhead unless you want to try to get group camp or stick together somewhere else. I'm gonna send an message to my friend that bought my '92 to see if he can make it, and another friend with a SportTrac that may come out.

I would love to camp with everyone.

How is the arrowhead? Didnt it have showers? Thats important to me! lol

i can't wait to meet all of u, I always like meeting more members from here and doing some wheeling

I would love to camp with everyone.

How is the arrowhead? Didnt it have showers? Thats important to me! lol

Arrowhead has a very nice bath house with showers, and sites with electric. Badin Lake campground has bath stalls, don't remember if they were flush or glorified port-a-johns, and don't remember showers, but I've only spent one night there.

possibly coming and ill be camping if I do...I aint no aristocrat

I'll be there for sure, would also like to camp with everyone. I'm trying to find someone that will loan me (or rent me) a decent camper to put into the camp site there. If anyone in the area has someone that they know that has a nice little equipped camper that a 4x4 X can pull, please let them know that I am willing to make it worth their time, and if they wanted to just bring it there themselves then that's fine too. The wife just won't "rough it" in a tent with our 1yr old in the summer time...me on the other hand...hell, I'll sleep in my truck, wouldn't be the first time :D

So I'm in for the 4th, 100% for sure.

Just to get you guys in the mood, here's some pictures from the trip we took in Dec '06. This is me in my '92 (the one with the basket on the roof), Scott in the other green Gen I, and John in the Gen II.

I'm in Camo, Scott in Blue, Michael (my '92's new owner) in USC garnet, and Tripp in Clemson orange.





This is the Arrowhead bath house and us in camp.


And the '92 being driven by its current owner, mwhyder.


also, just wanted to add, if you want to play in the mud at uwharrie i wont be coming along. that mud is NASTY, plus me likey rocks better :bounce:

some pictures from my last trip coming up budweiser



also, just wanted to add, if you want to play in the mud at uwharrie i wont be coming along. that mud is NASTY, plus me likey rocks better :bounce:

I'm kinda with you on this.

also, just wanted to add, if you want to play in the mud at uwharrie i wont be coming along. that mud is NASTY, plus me likey rocks better :bounce:

Yeah, notice the other two with me playing in it. I only eased through it when I had to.

Guys im going to hit it all. Bring on the mud and rocks. Ill hit it.

Teaser from our '07 trip


More pics in my gallery
Uwharrie Pics

Looks looks we are going to have a good group this time. It would be nice to have everyone in one big group site but the group sites are all primitive, might be some that have outhouses don't remember. It's going to be hard to get pay sites close together so I say we secure a big primitive site and everyone can hang out there, camping or not. I can get friday off and get there in the am but if there is anybody that lives closer we might need to secure a site before then. It would also be helpfull if someone could get a scouting report on some of the better sites. Make sure everyone has there CB's working because I think the last time I was there cell phone coverage wasn't good.

Badin lake group camp has outhouses and I think showers if someone wants to check on that.

Would it be ok to get a big primitave site and them if one wants a shower they can drive to the arrowhead and take one? I would be in for that so we can have a big group.

I don't think you could just go into arrowhead to shower if you don't have a spot. I'll find out is group camp has showers. Arrowhead has a tent camp loop too...

I looked at the arrowhead loop and if we could all get in the loop that would be cool. Each spot holds up to eight people also.

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Would it be ok to get a big primitave site and them if one wants a shower they can drive to the arrowhead and take one? I would be in for that so we can have a big group.

Thats what I had in mind and those that want a regular site with all the hookups can do so. Have one big fire pit that everyone can hangout at. As far as showers I don't see how they will really be able to police who has a pay site, just drive up and take a shower.

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