V8 X's need help running true dual exhaust (2 mufflers) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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V8 X's need help running true dual exhaust (2 mufflers)


New Member
July 17, 2002
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94 xlt
pictures of a oem exhaust system

Hi,this is biff,I am looking into buying a 2001
Ford Explorer E.B. edition with a V8 engine.
I'm wondering if you have any pictures of the
exhaust system from the cat(s)to the tailpipe.
The reson I'm asking is that if there is any
room to fit two 40 series delta flowmaster
mufflers.I think any v8 explorer will do.Another
thing is,would that dual exhaust system sound
like a mustang gt,because I'v heard that sound
clip on the flowmaster home page under the
40 series muffler for a 1990 mustang lx.


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there s couple of people on the board that have the 5.0 X's and they do have true dual exhaust hooked up. from what i understand, yes it does sounds like a stang

I have heard that the v8 has a dual inlet
single outlet oem muffler.Is that true?If
so,I could possibly fit those 40's in there.

ive seen to mufflers under there, but the details someone else would have to give you... i just cant remember who...

im going to change the title of the tread so it grabs the v8'ers attention more.

yeah, it is dual in single out. if you give me your email i can send you some pics of my dual setup. I dont have the 5.0 but the SOHC has the same setup. I have a 50 series dual in dual out muffler.

i know RTstork has that setup on his 5.0

Chow,I'm going to hit the haysack:o

I just happen to have a picture of my mufflers.
(dead links) They had to cut a part of the heat shield off and they only used 2 1/4" pipes. I wish i had got 2 1/2" pipes, oh well.

pic's not working...

I moved those pics to my site. Click the link in my sig and you should find them in there.

Just take out the on the window it opens.

you sure about that chucky??

here... make it easy


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