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vacuum hoses


July 28, 2006
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1992 XLT 4x4
Dose anyone have a diagram of the vacuum hoses for a 1992 ford Explorer?

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Is it worth replacing all vacuum lines in my 93' ford explorer xlt 4.0 v6. If so what size hoses do I need?

Is it worth replacing all vacuum lines in my 93' ford explorer xlt 4.0 v6. If so what size hoses do I need?
Totally worth it, they are probably dry and cracking after 30 years. I can’t tell you the size, though, but someone here knows.
Welcome to the forum!

Yea I have a vacuum leak and I don’t know where it’s coming from
A common leak on this gen is the air intake tube. Take it off carefully and flip it over. Look for cracks or holes in the accordion pleats.

While the accordion/bellow section of the air intake is a common leak, it's not a vacuum leak. @Jfarrell, can you start a new post giving more detail? A small vacuum leak at the hard line can effect climate control (Outside air intake) and at the same time not effect engine performance.
Updating the vacuum tubes definitely makes sense, but it would be wise to know what was/ is the issue. The vacuum system goes through the dash, involved with your cruise control , your brakes. Just changing lines may not fix your issue.
