Visor paint prep question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Visor paint prep question

hey guys, just got my lund moonvisor this week.
i looked over the directions and it doesnt say how to paint it. just wondering how i would paint it the right way. it says its a white gelcoat. do i need to use primer on it? i got sandable grey primer, and filler primer, duplicolor paint, and clear coat. what should i do to prep it and paint it? thanks alot for the input!

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heres the good morning bump to the top!
hope to get this thing on tonight after work.
if anyone else has a lighted visor... how did you run the wires? manual says around A Pillar into the cab or drill a hole in the roof and run them in behind head liner...... thanks

I painted my Lund wing and tail light covers.
Scuff pad and degreeser was all I used and the look great after three and five years (respectivley )

Yeah you really just have to rough them up a bit, with like 400 grit.

ok, do you primer them first?

I didnt...
