Water leaking on drivers side floor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Water leaking on drivers side floor


Well-Known Member
November 24, 2011
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City, State
Virginia beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 explorer 4x4 6cyl
Thought I had it fixed, but carpet got wet again. I peeled back all the carpet, and when pouring water down the windshield you can see water leaking into the drivers side... Right by where the parking brake would be fully forward.

Unfortunately there is another insulation thing there in front so I can't see where it is starting from. Anyone see this before... My first thought is that I have a ton of leaves, dirt, junk built up under the windshield... Which can't be helping.

As always, thanks!

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Thought I had it fixed, but carpet got wet again. I peeled back all the carpet, and when pouring water down the windshield you can see water leaking into the drivers side... Right by where the parking brake would be fully forward.

Unfortunately there is another insulation thing there in front so I can't see where it is starting from. Anyone see this before... My first thought is that I have a ton of leaves, dirt, junk built up under the windshield... Which can't be helping.

As always, thanks!

Do you have a sunroof? They drain down the A and B pillars.

No sun roof:(

I can see the leak if I pour the water on the Windshield just above the drivers side wiper blade

Thanks will do! I'm sure there is a ton of junk down there! Also need to look for some more info on how to get the plastic thing off... I'll update a post if I can't find it.

For some reason getting my wipers off is kicking my butt:(

I'm feeling dumb, any hints?

Sorry, got it! Have to lift up first!

I got it all cleaned up, but it's still leaking! It looks like the leak is inside the fender where i can't get to it. Has anyone seen this before?

I really don't want to have to pull the fender off:(

Mine is not leaking into the cabin, However I do have a small hole below the switch for the door light on the drivers side. ( down by the curve part )

Maybe it was put there by a PO to allow water to drain from inside the windshield pillar before it got into the cabin ?

I have the same hole... It's clear. Wish it was clogged!
Thanks for the reply.

Water leaks can be very frustrating to locate, there are a couple things you can try and may save you some time...

Use 2" masking tape to seal up areas to help narrow down your leak. For instance, you can seal around the windshield with the tape and run water to see if your cowl or firewall is leaking.

Soapy water in a spray bottle can be your best friend. Spray the (very) soapy water around the perimeter of your windshield or window and blow compressed air at the inside around the edge of the glass. If you do not have compressed air you can roll up all your windows and run the heater on high (engine running helps). Bubbles will point the way.

The soapy water method will work on body seams too.

Thanks a ton for the posts!!!! Swshawaii, ton to read on that link, at least gives me a to do list:) my mother in law has the explorer this week, so I'll need to wait a bit.

I think I found it!!! :)

I took the plastic shield under the fender, and there was a hole completely blocked off with old leaves, and junk! Was a pita to get it all out with the shop vac... Guess ill know after the next rain...

Thanks all for the help.

Nice bit of detective work. :thumbsup: Be sure to keep us posted.

C'mon Ted, break out the water hose and do a leak test. I'm anxious to hear if it worked. ;)

What is this plastic shield you are talking about ? are you refering to the inside of the fender well ? Or a plastic piece by the door ?

Inside of the fender well...

Sorry to say it felt damp the other day during a light rain.... Crossing my fingers it wasn't, but suspect its not 100% yet. Definately better though... Perhaps it corroded a hole? Need to look at with an inspection mirror I guess.

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Did you ever get this resolved? I'm having the same issue.
