Water pump gasket ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Water pump gasket ???


Active Member
November 7, 2011
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City, State
La Salle,MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ford Explorer
I have a quick question about the water pump gasket. I have a 94 explorer limited that I'm fixing up. I just got it back on the road about 2 weeks ago since rebuilding almost the whole truck LOL

Anyways, I replaced the water pump with a brand new one when I had the motor out. I did the usally light film of rtv on the timing cover and then some on the water pump with the gasket between.

Well after about 200 miles in a week I noticed i was missing some coolant. Well after looking around I noticed it leaking out of the water pump mounting gasket. Now the question is do I need to use rtv on this gasket or not? I know the felpro gasket is paper but also has a strip of rubber? down the center of it?

Any ideas would be great cause I do not want to do this again, LOL
