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Water pump replacement - who can do?


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October 28, 2018
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2014 Explorer Sport
My 2014 Explorer Sport with 64k miles is leaking coolant, enough for a small puddle each day. My examination of the leak pointed to the water pump weep hole (not the one above the alternator but the one further back). Since the Explorer is out of warranty I took it to a trusted local mechanic who confirmed the water pump is leaking. However, he said he would not repair because it requires a bit of breakdown (I knew this) and he does not have the experience or special tool needed. He suggested that I only have a dealer replace the water pump. Does this sound right - only a dealer should replace the water pump because of the hours and breakdown required?

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You need to go to someone who is familiar with Ford's and has the master timing set. This can be a hidden small shop or the dealership, you just need to confirm they know what they are doing and have the timing tools.

btw, I know Explorer water pumps are an issue, but I've had horrible luck with this car - airbags have had to be replace (no, didn't discharge), rear bearings have had to be replaced, timing chain became misaligned and had to be replaced, a/c tubing blew and had to be replaced, a/c acuator for temp blend failed and had to be replaced, rear upper control arm bushings are shot, I could go on and on.

I've bought a 2012 Mustang GT convertible, a 2013 Ford Focus and this 2014 Explorer Sport, which is turning me off to Ford all together. Too bad because the Explorer Sport is an awesome vehicle if it were reliable. Just venting ...

Welcome to the Forum JSpaur.:wave:
Have you checked the dipstick to see if the oil appears to be contaminated with coolant?


My 2014 Explorer Sport with 64k miles is leaking coolant, enough for a small puddle each day. My examination of the leak pointed to the water pump weep hole (not the one above the alternator but the one further back). Since the Explorer is out of warranty I took it to a trusted local mechanic who confirmed the water pump is leaking. However, he said he would not repair because it requires a bit of breakdown (I knew this) and he does not have the experience or special tool needed. He suggested that I only have a dealer replace the water pump. Does this sound right - only a dealer should replace the water pump because of the hours and breakdown required?

Have you tried calling Ford CS and discussing with your reguinal rep? Only 4k miles outside of warranty, a knonw issue and a lawsuit pending regarding this.. maybe Ford would step up

Have you tried calling Ford CS and discussing with your reguinal rep? Only 4k miles outside of warranty, a knonw issue and a lawsuit pending regarding this.. maybe Ford would step up
He/she would be better off cleaning it up and trying to get an extended powertrain ESP on it. Then, wait for it to fail and let the ESP cover the repairs. I highly doubt the ESP inspection will uncover the small leak. If he/she really want to be like Ford, they could plug the weep hole (a bit of silicone or a rubber plug) to keep the leak at bay for the inspection.

IANAL and I am not advocating such behavior, but calling Ford CS and expecting Ford to step up had me laughing so hard that I pulled a muscle, took some Oxy, and then wrote the above while under the influence of said pain meds...

Have you tried calling Ford CS and discussing with your reguinal rep? Only 4k miles outside of warranty, a knonw issue and a lawsuit pending regarding this.. maybe Ford would step up
I will do this. Only 4k out of warranty AND the dealer just replaced the timing chain in April. Why wouldn't the dealer replace the water pump then knowing it could become a problem.

I will do this. Only 4k out of warranty AND the dealer just replaced the timing chain in April. Why wouldn't the dealer replace the water pump then knowing it could become a problem.
If the pump wasn't leaking at the time, it would not have been replaced. Not too many techs would proactively replace a part that was still good unless asked by the owner. Also, not every water pump fails.


I will do this. Only 4k out of warranty AND the dealer just replaced the timing chain in April. Why wouldn't the dealer replace the water pump then knowing it could become a problem.
Warranty or customer pay work?

If warranty, that isn't how warranty repairs work. Dealers can only diagnose and repair the problem at hand or they risk not getting reimbursed for repairs. Knowledge is power though. Any time a significant repair is being performed, it is always beneficial to consider ancillary repairs at the same time to reduce the cost and preemptively address "known issues". Knowing about it and requesting it is as much on you as it is on the dealer though. You for knowing and asking about it to save money in the long run. Them for knowing and suggesting it to make a little extra money and provide what some might see as good customer service.

If customer pay, shame on the shop for not suggesting ancillary repairs at the same time.

Good luck with Ford CS - odds are typically not in your favor. Check in big water pump thread and or other threads as I think Ford CS has said no to pretty much all repairs just outside of warranty. I can't recall seeing many, if any, posts where Ford CS stepped up out of warranty to cover anything.

I would get ESP if I could. Hopefully your mechanic did not add any details to a service such as Carfax. I had an oil leak investigated at local mechanic once and next week, I see it on my carfax. "Investigated oil leak" They must get paid by carfax for updating VINs with any work done. I wouldn't hold my breath for Ford to step up, and once you call them, you are flagged and maybe will be denied under an ESP plan for this specific repair.

Despite the well known water pump problem, buying an ESP to cover an existing issue is pure fraud.

Ford has stepped up many times for customers out of warranty. I see it many times across the many forums I am on daily. Heck, they have done it here many times when they used to monitor the forum.

I would co bbn tact Ford and file a complaint/claim and see if they will do anything. Ford will call the dealer and speak with the service manager about it and may cover 100%, 80%, 50%, nothing or anything in between.

I've very little faith in Ford CS--in my personal (read: not universal, YMMV) experience they've been good for little more than telling customers to pound sand. And that's while I was in warranty too, with other issues.

Outside of the current CEO, Ford CS is possibly the worst part about the company, and if I didn't get A-Plan, I'd probably have gone elsewhere a long time ago.

That said--call them, log the data point, take a swing and see what happens. It really isn't going to hurt. They've reimbursed partial repairs before and much like blwnsmoke, I've seen it (if not in my own experience). The upshot is you're dealing with a fairly well known issue, so getting the point across should be fairly simple.

Ford has stepped up many times for customers out of warranty. I see it many times across the many forums I am on daily. Heck, they have done it here many times when they used to monitor the forum.
How long has it been? Over a year since they left the forums? Lately, I've seen more responses from Ford and dealers of the "pound sand" variety as already mentioned.

Auto manufacturers and dealers aren't exactly known for being upstanding, moral and ethical folks.

I wouldn’t lose sleep over getting esp and then fixing it. What oem can’t make a water pump that last 60k in this day and age. Give me a break. The way Ford is not standing behind water pumps and pto problems is enough for me to look elsewhere on next vehicle.

How long has it been? Over a year since they left the forums? Lately, I've seen more responses from Ford and dealers of the "pound sand" variety as already mentioned.

Auto manufacturers and dealers aren't exactly known for being upstanding, moral and ethical folks.
I'm glad the ones I've dealt with haven't been like that. Had mine in for oil change and tire swap and was informed I needed an alignment but could not do it that day. They scheduled another time for it and said they would come and pick up my Explorer and leave a loaner. When the work is completed they will drop my vehicle off and pick up the loaner. No charge. I'm about 20 miles from the dealer. Great service and they have done several little things without charge.


Ourisman Ford of Alexandria, the place I bought the 2014 Explorer, just told me it would be $3,000 to replace the water pump. Thoughts?

I'm glad the ones I've dealt with haven't been like that. Had mine in for oil change and tire swap and was informed I needed an alignment but could not do it that day. They scheduled another time for it and said they would come and pick up my Explorer and leave a loaner. When the work is completed they will drop my vehicle off and pick up the loaner. No charge. I'm about 20 miles from the dealer. Great service and they have done several little things without charge.

Don't confuse customer service politeness for someone that really cares. I have a feeling you are a loyal/high gross customer that probably doesn't challenge them and your dealer does not want to do anything to cause that gravy train to stop rolling. Stop having all maintenance done at your dealer, start playing hardball on price negotiations, lease your next vehicle from a different dealer, and then see if they continue to really treat you the same. I used to work auto sales and still know a lot of folks in the industry. You're not typically dealing with Mensa level folks with high levels of ethics/morals/integrity.


I've leased 3 vehicles from them and went there initially based on their customer service reputation. There is another dealer just 2 miles away that I bypass. I go there twice a year to have the oil changed and tires swapped. It has been a family owned business for 69 years in a small town with exceptional service and staff. There has never been a reason to 'challenge' anything to date and the only thing they have recommended on both my 2011 and current 2017 is a front and rear brake service ($125) which I have accepted given the number of posts here about brake issues. Most of the techs there are older and experienced ones. I forgot to ask them when I was there is they have had any Explorers come in with failed water pumps.
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First dealerships in Northern Virginia are nuts as I used to live up there before moving to Va Beach. The labor rate up there seems about 10-20% higher than the rest of Va. Its a solid 10 hour job on the books, maybe $600-$800 in parts depending on what all you replace(Gaskets, spark plugs while your there ect.). $3k seems kinda high though as I just replaced a phaser on a Flex and did the WP while I was there and charged $2100 out the door. Book time difference on a water pump between a Flex and Explorer is like .8 hour with explorer taking longer.
