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Weight Limit


Well-Known Member
December 8, 2007
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City, State
French Lick IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 PIU
What is the Maximum load for the bed? aslo what is the maximum load that can be put on the tailgate?

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bump... i still need to know this.

Well, it's held my fat 230lb ass on more than one occasion.

But, I have always wondered how much it would hold. And if the cables are the same as on an F-150 tailgate.

well ive had myself, 180, my brother in law about 160, and his brother about 230 on it all at once, and nothing happened. so i suppose it can hold quite a bit. But i think i read that we have a plastic bed, instead of a steel/aluminum one to save weight, is this true? heck I should probable look at my manual it probably says somewere the bed weight. lol

Yes, the bed is some kind of composite material. And I have heard of people's beds cracking before. Knock on wood, mine is 8 years old and still doing good.

yea i dont think i will be hauling something too big anytime soon, but i do plan on buying a bed tent, and air mattress. figure it could be fun to camp in.

I think that I read that the bed held 1500 lbs. I don't know abouyt the tailgate. Park the bed in the garage.
Good luck Ed

Roughly 1500lbs is the maximum the bed is rated to handle, but keep in mind that that weight is meant to be equally distributed across the entire bed, as too much weight in one spot will crack the composite bed.


