Well that didn't take long! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well that didn't take long!


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
All I did was stop at a stop sign. Just as I let off the brake to make a right turn WHAM!!!

The kid didn't want to stick around. He didn't want me to file a report, and he claimed that I had slammed on my brakes. Fact is I came to a full stop, had to wait for traffic to clear, and once it did I let off the brake which is when we were struck.

He did stay at the scene and he called his father who got there before the cops. The father was extremely apologetic and extremely angry with his son as his son told him three different stories as we were sitting there. The kid is just 17 and the father carries his insurance. He's not going to be happy when he gets home.

This happened a week and a day after we brought her home :banghead:

It's amazing how little exterior damage there is, but I will be bringing it to the dealer to check the foam piece that is behind the bumper and to touch up the paint.


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Well, at least you got it over with. Seems to happen within a month to every new car I get.

Time to go ahead and paint it a different color. Seriously, that stinks!

Oh gee, that sucks. Sorry about that. I know that's always my biggest great when I get a new car. That would make me ill.

Oh gee, that sucks. Sorry about that. I know that's always my biggest great when I get a new car. That would make me ill.

Oh it definitely did make me ill. When I got out of the car I expected to see real damage. The fact that it wasn't was a great relief. I was with Char and two of our friends kids when we were hit. Char started crying, and got out of the car yelling. Thankfully I got her calmed down before she approached the kid. I was very calm with him until he wouldn't get past the "it's ok just let me go on my way" routine. At that point I firmly told him that I'm not just going to let him walk away from an accident he caused with our brand new car!

Sorry to hear this. However, comparing the damage to the other car versus yours, I am beginning to think that the Explorer is well built.

Damn. That sucks, glad everybody is ok! Explorer did it's job again!

Being new, it will be easier to match the paint. The damage appears minimal, but sucks when the new car gets hit. It will still probably end up $1200-1500 in repairs to your car.

I'm glad Char didn't stuff him head first into that ridiculous hood scoop.

Doesn't matter his story about how fast you stopped, he ran into you, which means he was following to close.

Running from the scene of accident, would have made his life much worce.

Doesn't matter his story about how fast you stopped, he ran into you, which means he was following to close.

Running from the scene of accident, would have made his life much worce.

Oh, I know. He was 100% at fault and a poor liar to boot. His dad would have none of it. I wouldn't want to be that kid tonight.

As soon as I saw the S-10 with wheels, body kit and giant cowl hood I knew the kid was guilty lmao.
Sorry to hear this and glad no one got hurt.

I keep a hitch in the receiver for these special occasions. Is that Grand ave?

Time to invest in a dash cam lol. Just finished putting a new one in our Explorer. Procrastinated for the past year on doing it and finally did it last week.

Sorry to hear about it Rick!!

Look up nextbase dash cam it's what I run
Worth every penny

Built Ford tough!
That S-10 XTREME probably has a 4 banger anyways

Note to self, do Not I repeat do NOT give a 17 year old kid anything with a cowl hood and hood pins, too many "race car" parts for a young driver to go all fast and furious at every stop sign

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