were are all the 20-22's Pictures ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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were are all the 20-22's Pictures ?

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That's two more than I thought there would be. 22's on a 91-01 Explorer are just too big. You could probably pull it off in an 02+ though. :cool:

i am in the market for some 22x9.5's to put on my 93 EB.. Just seeing if its been done on a 1st gen

A 1st gen X with 20's is rare. Not a popular or decent looking mod. Are you 4X4? Cause your going to have a hard time finding big rims that fit over the hubs.

Q's about 22's

hey i have an 02 X. I was just wondering if 22's would run on it? i have checked the forums but can't find anyone who has said anything about it. any info would be great.

22s will fit with the right tires, but it'll be a rough ride since there is only a little tire there to absorb impact


when you say rough do you mean like really bad or just a little bumpier than it is originally, cause with the indepented suspension i know it is already rough. i am just trying to decide if i should go with 20's or 22's cause i like the look of the 22's better than the 20's but i dont know if i want to sacrifice the ride. whats your opinion? thanks for your help!
- Brett

B Easy said:
when you say rough do you mean like really bad or just a little bumpier than it is originally, cause with the indepented suspension i know it is already rough. i am just trying to decide if i should go with 20's or 22's cause i like the look of the 22's better than the 20's but i dont know if i want to sacrifice the ride. whats your opinion? thanks for your help!
- Brett

I have 22s on mine (pictured above) and the ride is fine. I have 265/35/22 tires, which are very low profile, and I have not noticed a difference in ride quality on normal road conditions. Where you will notice a difference is over bumps and potholes. They do "jar" the truck more. But if you get some expensive wheels you should be very careful and slow WAY down for those type of hazards in the road anyway. I'm not sure what you mean about the IRS making for a bumpier ride. If anything it makes for a smoother ride.

I just lowered my truck last night on Belltech springs (2" front, 2.5" rear). It looks SICK and the ride still hasn't diminished much. IMO, 22s look MUCH better than 20s. Go for it.

I'll post some pics tonight or tomorrow of my truck lowered on the 22s.

I read up there about the Rims not fitting over the Hubs, Is the there ANY Rims out there that will fit over the 4x4 TTB Hubs? I like the look of lifted with big Rims, I want to go with 35's and 20's But I cant find any that will fit on the front, Can Anyone Help me Out?

Nevr2loe said:
I read up there about the Rims not fitting over the Hubs, Is the there ANY Rims out there that will fit over the 4x4 TTB Hubs? I like the look of lifted with big Rims, I want to go with 35's and 20's But I cant find any that will fit on the front, Can Anyone Help me Out?

Ever see big trucks and SUVs running on rims that have big knobs/bubbles in the center? Those are usually to clear the hubs, and they look pretty tough, in my opinion.

If you call a good wheel shop they'll be able to tell you which ones will work.

jluv said:
Ever see big trucks and SUVs running on rims that have big knobs/bubbles in the center? Those are usually to clear the hubs, and they look pretty tough, in my opinion.

If you call a good wheel shop they'll be able to tell you which ones will work.
Yea I have called a couple around here and they said to check websites because they have seen them before but they couldnt tell me as to what will fit.... Yea, I ran 18's with 39.5's on my Other truck and we just cut a hole just slightly bigger than my Manual Hub so it could poke through, But that is also 8 lug so they make the center sections bigger anyways because they know its going on a bigger truck, our 5 lug pattern fits pretty much anything on wheels, lol, so yea, Im dumfounded
