What’s this Explorer worth? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What’s this Explorer worth?


New Member
January 25, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
San Mateo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer 2D Sport
Hey guys, just picked this thing up.

1996 4.0l v6 4WD


came with: fresh clutch, new procomp shocks, torsion key and add-a-leaf (1-2” lift I believe)

Looking to offer this thing seriously or sell it & look for something else. Opinions?






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That's sweet... why would you be pondering selling it after just getting it? What's not to like... 4x4 with limited slip in bulletproof 4.0ohv engine...you'd have more fun in it than what little bit of profit selling it would get....assuming you got a great deal hence your inquiry ...

1500-2500 if you’re lucky.

Let me take a good long look under the hood and under the car, let me hook up my OBD2 scanner, and then ask me again. ;)

Get rid of FuzzySteeringWheel & market value of vehicle will double!
I don’t know if you guys ever drove one of these but that steering wheel feels like
I’m gripping some conduit!

Whats interesting with the explorers and why I think most of us like them so much is.. well they are not really worth much. Which makes finding donors / parts a lot easier in my opinion. I can scoop up an explorer like that but lower miles for 2k or less in a day in SoCal. But there are also Baha explorer rigs people have built that sell for 10k in SoCal as well. I have a 5.0 limited and lowish miles at 152k I bought it for 4k in 2009 and probably could still get 3-4k if i was patient. But I have put probably 3k in parts into this year alone doing some bigger upgrades but non of them really effected my selling price. Buy the rigs cheap and abuse them for the fun they are worth.
When I was a kid my buddies and I favorite thing was to save up a couple hundred dollars and buy a ****ty beat up car, then we would drive it like we stole it for a few days jumping minivans off dirt ramps and such. It was an investment in our enjoyment.
