What a wheeling trip | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What a wheeling trip


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
Headed out thursday morning before labor day to fresno to meet up with a group of jeeps and a few land criusers to run dusy ershim trail our side of fresno. Hit the trail head friday morning and a few miles in my friend busted a shackle hanger on her CJ7. Next jeep by had a welder and welded it up and off we were again. We went in 10 miles and camped for 3 days. On the way in my self and 2 of teh criusers were the only once not to have to winch at some point climbing tompson hill. While camping we went fishing and on 4 poles we caught about 60 trout in about 3 hours. They were small 6-10" long bit was still fun.

On the way out about half way out the sector shaft on my sterring box broke leaving my truck with no steering. We got it to teh side of the trail and left it. That was on a monday. Spent tuesday collecting parts and then 2 of the jeeps i ran with went back in to help me get my truck. In 30 min we had the steering box in bled and ready to drive. Wheeled out the remaining 5 miles of the trail to the pavement where my ignition module decided to crap on my and the truck hardly ran. Tracked down a new one in stalled it and all was good.

Insted of calling it a trip i decieded to get ahold of one of my jeep friends and sat we went to run fordyce trail near truckee. Half way through my truck decided to die again. after trouble shooting it narrowed it to ignition problems. My friend Jim wheeled out in his jeep to track some parts down. Myself and my friend camped it on the side of teh trail that night. Sunday morning jim comes in with a bunch of parts he collected after running to reno to get them. Started swapping parts and ended up being the ignition module again. Got it running and off we went to finish the trail. while trying to climb winch hill one I high cenetered it and started getting ready to winch when jim fell and messed his knee up. He was able to drive out the trail but didnt work today andnot sure what kind of shape his knee is in. There were 3 water crossing that were of a bit of the challange. First one i ended up with a went air filter but teh truck staid running. Second one wasnt so deep top of bumpers or so. Third one was much deeper. Ended up disconnecting the air intake at teh throddle body and while crossing managed to get water to come over the hood for a second or two. Made it through with a little water in the cab.

Total damage from the 2 trails include:

broken sector shaft in steering box
two ignition modules
bent front bumper more
trashed both rocker panels even more not even close to stait anymore
dents on bottom of both sides of the bed
more dents in both half doors
bent tierod
bent gas tank skid plate
silver dollor size dent in teh rear driveshaft
Front diff leaks gear oil like mad
radius arm mounts are both bent
Bent one rim
probably more i am forgetting.

Not bad over all for a 1500 mile round trip run. Should have some pics tommorow when they get emailed to me.


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Time for a completely new steering setup, and an aftermarket ignition system!

Wow Matt, what an adventure!

Sounds like the pics should be epic!!:eek:

Hopefully there will be a few decent ones. It was hard to get the water crossing ones cause there was no way to get to the otherside other then ride across or wade threw waist deep 40 degree water and my passanger had no intentions of doing that. Ill see what I can get. Going to have to call her and motivate here to email me the pics.

