What did you do to your Ex/Mounty/RBV today? | Page 57 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do to your Ex/Mounty/RBV today?

Passenger front window during cold temperatures would go down slooooow for the first four inches, but would be normal speed after that. Would go up at normal speed, and slightly slow down in the top four inches. Then back down, same slooooow speed.

Took door panel off for access. Cleaned both front and rear window tracks, as much as I could reach, with a toothbrush. Applied grease to regulator tracks where I could see the regulator "arms" moving in them. After a few up and downs, at 50° temps, speed was constant. Later at 34°, speed was constant up and down. So far, back to normal.

On another note, at some point, the door panel was removed. I thought the door panel courtesy light bulb was out. Whoever removed the door panel forgot to put the bulb and holder back into place. Where it hung, the door panel barrier suffered some minor heat damage from the hot bulb..

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Did regular boring stuff. Oil change and replaced the copper plugs with Platinum. The old plugs didn't look that bad, but they were about 4 years old. So I did it anyway.

Moved this:

... to here:



Busy weekend. The factory keyless entry on my Ex doesn't work, so I installed an aftermarket boopityboop:

I also decided I got tired of needing tow hands to close the drivers window, so... New motor went in.

Battery terminal issues with the 93'......

Spent last week freaking out due to battery cables. Could not get the thing started because my protectant had worn off the terminals after about 10 years. Thinking I'd have to replace them, not even one ounce of corrosion apparently though, the real problem is the ends won't clamp anymore - rusty bolts, it's been that way for years.

Wound up using my bolt nipper to slowly and carefully nip the bolts in the O'Riley's parking lot on the way home from work, put the new bolts in, sprayed on protectant, my electrical system is quite happy now.

You'd think at 25 years old I'd need to replace the cables, but I looked them over all around, still not a single cut, scrape, or corroded part of them. Might get a spare set but seems my truck got baptized, blessed, or went to communion or something when it was built.

This past weekend, I put eight new spark plugs and new plug wires on the Ex. Solved a cylinder 7 misfire that appears to have been due to an entirely rotten cable.

PS: Whoever at Ford routed brake lines in front of the spark plugs for cylinders 5 and 6 can eat an entire bag of [censored]. :frustrated:

I put new plugs in my Explorer a few weeks ago. Didn't have any issue reaching them at all. In fact it took longer to jack it up and get the wheels off than it did to change out plugs.

I put new plugs in my Explorer a few weeks ago. Didn't have any issue reaching them at all. In fact it took longer to jack it up and get the wheels off than it did to change out plugs.

T'was my first time doing a plug job on an Ex. If I had to do it again, I could probably do it in less time. I did have some trouble with the left bank, though.

Did you go in through the wheel wells? Can't imagine getting to them from the top.

Yes, I did. Noooo way in hell to get to them from the top!

passed smog test yesterday,
picked up a new oil pressure sender for the 96 EB to replace the defective unit.

Took mine in last week for an alignment. Inner tire edges wearing. Alignment guy calls, says he can't align it without a alignment kit. That was Friday. Can get the kit Monday. Rescheduled.

Got it aligned today. Front tire appear straight up and down now. Before, they always looked like / \ somewhat, even with no odd tire wear :dunno: I hope my MPG go up

I got another one this last week. 1998 Mercury Mountaineer 5.0. This is #7 for me. :) My son is 12 now and they start driving with Permit at 14 out here so it may be his deal by then.

Re skinned the steering wheel (cold and wet today) took my time and spent a couple of hours on it. I found that marking every 5 or 6 holes on the back of the cover helped out lining it up. Snatched a crochet hook from the Mrs to pull the laces tight.

Re skinned the steering wheel (cold and wet today) took my time and spent a couple of hours on it. I found that marking every 5 or 6 holes on the back of the cover helped out lining it up. Snatched a crochet hook from the Mrs to pull the laces tight.

I don't suppose you took pics of that process did you? I need to do mine.

I don't suppose you took pics of that process did you? I need to do mine.
Sorry I didn't . I found if you stay patient and keep count of the holes it kind of comes together after the first pair of spokes. I had to back out the lace after the first spoke and try again.

Ok, did you use a kit? where did you get the new cover?

Ok, did you use a kit? where did you get the new cover?
Wheelskins.com The kit came with complete with needle, lace and good instructions. Cover was some quality leather.

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Ok, thank you
