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What did YOU do to your Explorer today?

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I've spent the day searching for a replacement for the hood insulation blanket. OEM's are long gone.
Anyone know where to find the insulation??


Drove home yesterday and started hearing whining under the hood, found my power steering fluid was low ....threw some in, did a little back and fourth....seems to be more than fine now. Might be time for a flush soon though.

The wife closed the bedroom door, so I was assuming Christmas prrsentd....spent that time watching a ton of 1st Gen Explorer and 88-97 Ranger how-to's. I think I'm now ready to tackle some more stuff in the coming months.

Also replaced the air filter and the "courtesy bulb" under the hood while doing the power steering.

Had to add some dot3 to the brakes this morning as the light was coming on under semi-heavy braking. Apparently when cold the dot3 is compressing so much it triggers the low fluid sensor, it goes away when warmed up. I'll watch the levels for leaks but it could also just be my brake pads.....somehow this thing has gone 305k and only needed brake pads 2-3 times.


Yesterday, I un-retired my Explorer, and a little bit of my brain is congratulating me for holding on to it, 'Just in Case', because both of our other cars went into the shop this week, and the faithful Explorer was the only vehicle left standing. I will tell the story, it's a little long, but you are free to skip it, of course, but it's a good mechanic's tale.

We are a three car, two person household. My wife's daily driver is a 2014 Chevy Cruze, and I replaced my Explorer as a daily driver with a 2002 Chevy Avalanche 1-1/2 years ago. My wife's Cruze picked up a misfire a few weeks ago, scanner said cylinder #4. We replaced all the usual suspects until it pointed to the coil pack, which on this car is one monolithic thing that mounts into the valve cover and has short boots to the four spark plugs. It's expensive, and there were other components possibly at fault, time was short, and we have to fix cars outside in the snow, so we put it in the shop. It's still there, they are waiting on a new coil pack, and something about a new connector... It's a good shop but they don't communicate well, as you will see next.

So, earlier this the week, the Avalanche also picks up a misfire. Scanner just says 'Random Misfire'. It's minor, it only comes up during cold idle. I thought I would go after plugs and wires after Christmas. We need it to drive to the next town for family Christmas, so early yesterday, I cleared the codes, and went to fill the fuel tank. Along the way, I get a low coolant message. Ok, I haven't topped that off in a year, I can live with that. I fill the tank with 26 gallons (big tank), put a gallon of antifreeze in it... and it won't crank. Now, my friends, what is the worst possible cause for this?

Yes, hydrolocked. Sudden coolant loss, milky dipstick, a misfire... So, the Avalanche is now at the same shop as our other car. The guy at the shop... LOL, he had it in his head that, I don't know, Christmas hope or something, he receives the Avalanche, bangs on the starter and then tries to start it, and it starts, of course, because the coolant in the cylinder has leaked down into the oil pan. He's telling me over the phone, it's only the starter! Then, while he's talking, someone shows him the milky overfull dipstick and he's like... I'll have to get back to you. That was mid-day yesterday just before they were closing for Christmas Eve.

My wife, in the meantime, has coordinated what could be called a modern Exodus, moving Christmas from the next town to our home mid-day Christmas Eve. And I'm just burning a little bit because obviously, it has not been a good day. Therapy time... time to work on something I know I can make work. So, I shovel off the snow from the Explorer, put in the battery... voila! Only problem, which I could have lived with, was the 4x4 selector switch was dead. So, I could either work on that, or go help with ladies with Christmas set-up. What do you think I did?

Fuses were fine, I did the shift motor bump stops a few years ago... huh. So, I dug around the threads here and decided to look at the shift module. I had envisioned getting it loose, finding the reset switch, all the stuff I had read. But, I didn't have the right socket combo to reach the far mounting nut. So, I decided to count my blessings, and reconnect it for some other day of diagnosis. Except that, whatever I did, perhaps just disconnecting the three connectors and reconnecting... now the 4x4 works too!

Test drive time! LOL, ok, you have to understand that the body of the explorer is mostly attached to the frame by gravity. I stopped driving it because it was so badly rusted structurally, beyond repair economically. Let me set the scene. Imagine Captain Kirk in a dilapidated starship, it's an emergency and he has to get to warp 3. It's shaking, all kinds of weird noises, but it gets there. The rusted U-joints loosened up, 4x4 shifted nicely, I even gave it a little run in low-range just to exercise the shift motor a little bit. It's a rough ride, the tires are wildly out of balance, and the back shocks are completely gone. But, we will get to work Thursday, we get the Cruze back Thursday, and who knows about the Avalanche.

My mother-in-law was here yesterday, she said "I don't know about all this new stuff, the old stuff always works". A big part of me wants to rehab the old Explorer, as a reward of some kind? Maybe new tires and shocks. I had pondered taking it to the junkyard a few years ago, but there's no way now. That 1994 explorer absolutely came through for us. Maybe I will learn some bodywork next summer and... who knows.

The End.

Bodywork is great therapy. Kind of like the wax on wax off routine in Karate kid ;)

I'm glad your Explorer came through for you:chug:

Well today was rough.
I replaced the rear pass side door latch last week and it took less than 2hrs to complete.
The rear drivers side latch finally arrived, so I expected a similar outcome.

It almost could not have gone more wrong. All the rods were stuck fast in the latch. Removing the 3 screws holding the latch to the door, I was using an impact driver and ended up pushing one of the the screws further in and slightly collapsing the sheet metal on the door. I did get it out, but I really thought I wasn’t going to be able to. Was ready to drill it out.
Two of the plastic pieces that hold the rods on the old latch broke, and I had to reuse 1 of them since the new latch doesn’t come with one. Again, surprised it even works. I broke the lock actuator, but shoved it back in and surprise that still works too. Everything fought me all day long and even though everything works right now, I want to replace the lock actuator and broken plastic piece because they are on borrowed time as far as I am concerned.

I also installed 4 new speakers, Rockford fosgate 3 way 6x8s. The old speakers were complete garbage. Ended up making 2 short harnesses for the rears and then just swapping the ends on the fronts to keep the wires away from the window glass.
Sounds a lot better but my head unit is kinda ****ty so need to replace that. Speakers took minutes to install but that latch nearly killed me.

From my post last week, we had a Chevy Cruze and a Chevy Avalanche in the shop, and the old Exp saving the day...

The Cruze did indeed need a new coil pack. They also needed a connector because they broke it. I asked them how they managed to break a connector that we had no issues with the week before and they took the charges off for that. The Cruze is running, no errors, good shape.

The Avalanche needs at least head gaskets, and I learned from another mechanic that heads almost always crack in this situation, so there is no path to a repair for less than $3k. I'm selling it right now on Craigslist.

Last weekend, I bought a 2001 Ford Escape, and a week later, it has a battery/charge warning light on. I have narrowed that down to the alternator or the alternator connector, which is known to fail. I'm calling the dealer on that today... the guy singled this out of a group of SUVs as the best of the lot... LOL. But, they are about 90 minute drive away, so it's really too far to drive, in winter, without a charging system, and too far to tow. The actual alternator replacement, well, just to touch the alternator is an astounding job. It's a transverse V6, and the alternator is in the back bottom corner of the serpentine belt. If you look down in the right place, you can barely see a part of the alternator. You basically have to take out the right front half-shaft, the inner wheel well, and then you can actually touch it. But, it bolts in from a weird angle, and it lists as a 3 hour job in a warm garage with a lift.

At this point, I'm just... I mean, we looked at two 2nd gen Explorers on the lot and they were in terrible shape. Oh well. My '94 Explorer just starts and goes every... single... time... I think I'm just destined to drive it, rust and all. Could be, this fall, sell the Escape and go on a road-trip out of the rustbelt and find another 1st gen Explorer.

Wow, Roadrunner, sounds like keeping it around really paid off! Take a trip out here and pick one up, they're cheap and rust free. As for rewarding the old one, maybe it's possible to save it with enough time and money (like anything). It's definitely proven its worth.
That's what I'm doing with mine. Having served my family reliably for 26 years and 300k miles I felt it deserved some love, so I'm doing a full restoration on it. They take anything you throw at them. I've been pulling the motor apart and finding all kinds of **** that should have killed it long ago but it kept ticking. I remember the summer of 2009 we kept it as an extra vehicle and I kept saying "not today, Cash for Clunkers!" Then I parked it in a field for a few years. Just like you, I couldn't let it go.
As for what I did to my Explorer today, I pulled the starter just now and am going to hit the flywheel bolts next

I've been putting better quality fuel in my explorer and my check oil light that I thought was burnt out since it didn't come on in the 18 months that I had it came back to life on me

Just bought an 07 xlt and it needed a few things from the start. Replaced the blend air actuator, gauge cluster bulbs, and replaced the dead radio. All pretty simple jobs thanks to this site and YouTube.


finally got most of the wiper system back together. the passenger side had a big wasp nest wrapped around it and everything needed a shot of wd40 until i can get some silicone spray went to put it back together and lost the big plastic nut for the passenger side. back to pull and save. while i was there i noticed a 91 explorer with the drivers' side inner door panel intact so off it came as well. tomorrow if it isn't too nasty out i will work on it some more. i did notice while i was replacing the ign locking cylinder it looks like there is a piece missing that holds the key in switch in. is that important? or should i get a steering column from pull and save?

Exhaust hanger fell broke off because i drive through de snow like a heathen.
so, mechanic wired that up until spring.

then installed an Ultra Power 130amp alt after work. takes like 15minutes, i love that lol

waiting on some relays from amazon, 300ft if wire. 6 flood lights and trying to find a decent roof basket. for lights, as well as headlight relay upgrade.




rear wiper crapped out, seized up and took the switch with it. found out why it has no spark the crank sensor is bad. so is the connector and i went to take the connector off the coil pack and the connector broke. i guess it is my day to replace connectors.

Friday I ordered a pair of Gates power steering hoses and a power steering pump seal kit. once installed that should take care of the power steering leaks on the 328,000 miles '94 plum colored Explorer.

New brakes pads and rotors on my 93' sport. Had the inner drivers side shoe lose its material. The driver's side rotor looked like a vinyl record on the inside (yikes).

Also doing seafoam in the crankcase for ..then it's oil change time.

Went offroading with a friend a few weeks ago, at Rattlesnake. Kind of surprised at how capable a stock 2wd X is.

Put nicer newer power mirrors off a 99 explorer on my 91 and found out I have those door lights in my truck wanted to get the blower motor but it wouldn't work everything else is ok and nice like having bigger mirrors also grabbed a stock speaker to replace my crackly back one

Setting up to do an oil change this weekend - putting the ol' girl on a strict diet of Mobile 1 Full Synthetic High Mileage with a Motorcraft filter. Was thinking of going K&N but I see too many guys on here using stock Motorcraft and being happy so $6.99 vs. $15.99....meh, I'll go $6.99. Ran some Seafoam on this last tank too in the crankcase for some mild cleaning, seems like there was some gain. Also looking at replacing the pedal pads since my pedals bare metal now.

That said, noticing some clutch slippage now when cold, not too surprising since the last clutch change was a segmented mess of errors and idiocy done on a budget - not this time. Doing my research here and having a battle between a OE Style Luk kit and a Centerforce Dual Force kit. Also getting together to do the rear main and get another OE Slave - my goal is to make a setup that meets or exceeds the 100K clutch + slave life I've gotten out of this thing before on previous swaps.

Also considering going Elite now since I'm officially enjoying wrenching on this thing and taking it off the beaten path.

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Changed my distributor pack thing.
went to replace my starter only to discover the starter bolts were loose...
got my roof rack in.


