What does this FORD sticker mean? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What does this FORD sticker mean?


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
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2005 Eddie Bauer 4.6L 4X4
Below is a scan of a sticker that was affixed to the radiator support of my 4.0 SOHC Explorer. I bought this truck used. Although the handwriting is illegible, I was wondering if anyone knows the meaning and/or implications of this.
Thanks for looking.

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Something was done by the dealer :D

Without knowing the campaign number or other series of numbers its hard to tell.. If your really curious you can ask your local dealer to run a oasis report on your vin.

It may have been a PCM re-flash or something

Excellent, Blee. Thank you for the quick response. I will drop by the dealer, and when I find out, I'll re-post.

I am willing to bet the catalytic converters were replaced. I had mine replaced by the dealer shortly after I bought it 10 years ago and the dealer put that exact sticker on it.

If not the cats then some part of the emissions system was replaced.

Yep, usually a cat, MAF, or ECM recalibration results in a sticker like that being under there.

PCM reflash.

The last 3 letters on the first line are "PCM".
