I was washing my truck earlier and when everything was said and done, I moved to the tires. I did my usual routine of rinsing, spraying and rinsing again and when the tires dried, they had a weird color or ring around them. I do not scrub the tires rough or anything and no cleaner seems to remove it. Does anyone know or have a good guess as to what happened to the tires?
I used Bleach-White tire cleaner for the tires and once, a long time ago, I used Meguiars Endurance tire wet. If I remember correctly, I noticed a slight discoloration a while ago after driving through a rain storm but it wasn't too bad. The tire wet seemed to have a weird behavior around the part though and voila, look what happened now months later. I have used both these products hundreds of times before on numerous vehicles and tires and never had a problem. Is that little ring around the lettering dried out somehow? Is there anything I can do to remedy it? Thank you so much for any help given. I wasn't sure what to search for this.
I used Bleach-White tire cleaner for the tires and once, a long time ago, I used Meguiars Endurance tire wet. If I remember correctly, I noticed a slight discoloration a while ago after driving through a rain storm but it wasn't too bad. The tire wet seemed to have a weird behavior around the part though and voila, look what happened now months later. I have used both these products hundreds of times before on numerous vehicles and tires and never had a problem. Is that little ring around the lettering dried out somehow? Is there anything I can do to remedy it? Thank you so much for any help given. I wasn't sure what to search for this.