What is a GEM and what does it do/control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is a GEM and what does it do/control


Well-Known Member
August 25, 2009
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City, State
Omaha, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XL 2D
I've searched this site and the net and I can't seem to find out just what a GEM is and how it is used on my 99 Explorer Sport.

I know what GEM stands for and I think it's like an electronic traffic cop, but what exactly does it do. Can it be reset if I'm have problems.

If I want to replace it do I have to replace it with one from the same model and year of vehicle?

What got me on this is all the radio buttons on my stock radio quit working. I can control the radio from the rear seat panel fine.


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Your problem is not likely the GEM. More likely the audio unit controls. It still works from the rear controls because they are wired in seperate from the front hard buttons. The GEM controls mostly the odds and ends that don't have anywhere else to go. Power windows, locks, lights, and power distribution. As for the same model and year? You'll have to ask someone else.

Thanks, I just this vehicle a few days ago and the radio just decided to quit. I'm guessing it's the head unit. Maybe I can find one at the junk yard.


In the 2nd Gen Explorer, the radio unit itself handles everything with regard to the entertainment system. There is no remote unit in our trucks.

As gorilla said the board behind the buttons or something might be broke, but the rear controls can still work. You just need to find a new headunit; replace with one of the same type and year for plug-and-play installation.

It's time to go aftermarket. OEM audio blows!
