What is the word on a LS/locker for the 2nd gen front | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is the word on a LS/locker for the 2nd gen front


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
I have read a lot of threads on the different lockers/LS for the 2nd gen front IFS dana 35. A lot of talk but nothing definite.

What is available for the front hybrid dana 35?
Randy's ring and pinion lists both an ARB and elctd for them. but the listing is for both the IFS and TTB D35.( explorer 91+)


If you are looking for a good non selectable locker read up on the Aussie locker. They perform great and for the money can't be beat. I had them in both my front and rear axles and the added traction was awesome.

As a side note, I'm not just promoting the Aussie because I have one for sale that fits your application, but if you are interrested in a good barely used Aussie I can make you a good deal.

Dont jeep dana 35 lockers work?

Look in the forsale forum, there is one for sale in there now.

Dont jeep dana 35 lockers work?

Look in the forsale forum, there is one for sale in there now.

I feel like that might have true for the first gen, but not the second. I'm not 100% sure though. When I ran the part #s for my locker I don't think any of the heep axles came up as working with it.

Edit: Just checked the Aussie site. I was right the first gen will work with some of the heep dana 35s but the second gen is not interchangeable.
