What is this? need to change a hose | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is this? need to change a hose


New Member
June 13, 2021
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City, State
Cypress, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999, Ford Explorer, 5.0
I have a hose that is disintegrating and I need to replace it. However its not showing up on the vacuum hose diagrams.
Can anybody tell me what this is and what kind of hose goes to it?
This is a '99 V8 5.0
I traced it to beneath my battery...

Picture of engine

thanks in advance!

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I have a hose that is disintegrating and I need to replace it. However its not showing up on the vacuum hose diagrams.
Can anybody tell me what this is and what kind of hose goes to it?
This is a '99 V8 5.0
I traced it to beneath my battery...

Picture of engine

thanks in advance!
looks like EVAP hose

Yes, it's a vacuum hose going to the solenoid which controls fuel vapors being pulled into the engine while running. So it could smell like gas if it's broken, and that solenoid switch should only open when the engine runs.

That hose is nylon inside typically only the outside deteriorates I hate that sticky black foam crap it gets all over everything.

If you have to replace it be careful the plastic fittings at the canister vent valve (under battery) are brittle.
You squeeze in the sides enough to make it fully round and then it should release

That hose is nylon inside typically only the outside deteriorates I hate that sticky black foam crap it gets all over everything.

If you have to replace it be careful the plastic fittings at the canister vent valve (under battery) are brittle.
You squeeze in the sides enough to make it fully round and then it should release
Is the hose replacement readily available?

If the fuel vapor emissions hose is discontinued, some have replaced it with reinforced fuel injection hose with good results. As 410Fortune said above, the plastic fittings must be reused and care must be taken when removing.

Here's my solution from 2015 for my Sport Trac that's holding up well today. Good luck.

@rctx Have you read your DTC codes and are you getting a code #p 0455 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -'large (gross) leak detected'?
