What was your favorite class(es) in college? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What was your favorite class(es) in college?

Ceramics..... So far but I really havent taken much courses

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Chemistry Lab

The case study down at the local watering hole :D!

Oh, you mean actual classes?? Probably Astrodynamics (study of space craft motion). I had a blast in that class. Really interesting and unique. Helps that the professor was really good at relaying ideas.

I think most of what makes/breaks a class is how well the professor gets his or her ideas across.

Engineering Problem Solving I --> We got to design and build a fold up bicycle that fits in your backpack

Kinnish you have got to join our American Society of Mechanical Engineers here at Iowa, we are building a remote control mine sweeper, if you are interested email me at jhowk@engineering.uiowa.edu

Did I mention that it is free the first year and you can get low interest student loans, it looks good on a resume too
