Whats on your "Most Wanted List"? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whats on your "Most Wanted List"?

As for your list, don't be afraid to remove the muffler altogether. I was very suprised at how quiet mine is without the muffler. The 4 cats and the tail pipe all the way out the rear do the job quite nicely. It also frees up allot of room for a rear traction bar. Not sure if the V6 exhaust has the same cats though.

My list (in no particular order):
- Rear swing out tire carrier
- Projector headlights
- Mount ham radio
- External speaker for CB and ham radio
- Winch

Wholey crap, I started making a long list and realized that this is supposed to only be a "most wanted" list. I guess I better get my regestry in order and link to that for the complete list! What I left here is most wanted in my short term plans. It helps allot that I got mine already modified to the hilt.

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I agree with that one. Building anything is fun

As of now my most wanted list consists of whats needed to get my X back on the road...
Replace Timing Chains
Fix the Trans
Rebuild the Front Suspension
Finish the Exhaust
After that, im sure those 33s sittin in my basement will be callin my name to stuff them on the truck, which then leads to a ton of other 'most wanted' mods :D

Haha nobody can keep a short list in this thread. There's always something to be done or added.

locker, custom bumpers, dynomax, rigid industries lighting everywhere, oh and to not look like I'm riding on little spare tires!

Haha nobody can keep a short list in this thread. There's always something to be done or added.

Thats the problem with this forum... you find it in a google search and get an answer to a question. then you come back. get another answer. and soon enough, your looking at an SAS thread, planning how you're going to spend the summer. lol :D

Thats the problem with this forum... you find it in a google search and get an answer to a question. then you come back. get another answer. and soon enough, your looking at an SAS thread, planning how you're going to spend the summer. lol :D

Lol thats pretty much what happened with me. A couple years back i came lookin for an answer to "only" one problem... Then another... Then another... Now i keep eyein those sweet sas threads just sayin "hmm one day" haha :D

Lol thats pretty much what happened with me. A couple years back i came lookin for an answer to "only" one problem... Then another... Then another... Now i keep eyein those sweet sas threads just sayin "hmm one day" haha :D

My timeline for doing my SAS keeps getting shorter haha. Originally planned to do it in 3-4 years, then said 2-3, now it's just whenever something expensive goes in the front end lol

Cat back
Sensa-Trac Load adjusting rear shocks
Class III Hitch
Warrior Shackles
Tuff Country re-indexed torsion keys
Bull Bar

My list
-Shackle/AAL/TT lift
-31x10.5 tires
-Aux lights
-Audio upgrade
-99-01 Rear hatch and tails swap
-Flat Black rims
-Mounty/Limited seats
-Front bumper upgrade or bull bar

98 hatch and tails will work too. Also, the mounty seats are the same as the buckets found in the XLS/XLT/Eddie Bauer.

The list goes on and on...In no particular order...

True dual exaust w/H pipe to go with the TM's
Larger TB
Computer flash
Comp Cams XE (264 or 270, probably 264)
Rear springs, 5 shocks, Active suspension, EE rear sway bar
HID headlights
Some "Real" foglights
17" Bullet or Cobra rims with 265/65's or 265/70's
Pioneer Avic or Appradio
Limited seats (heated, for the wife) reupholstered and DVD screens installed in the headrests
30% tint all around (already has factory privacy in the rear)

Air Horns???

98 xlt 2wd. Just did SOA in rear. Sticking to IFS for a bit longer till SAS is a possibility. Waiting for 4.10s to come and getting 35s this weekend. Looking forward to get a locker in rear and 3" lift ranger edge spindles to get truck back to cruizin mode

As of right now. V8, full exhaust, coilovers, rear locker, manual swap.

In the future Superlift, super 88 kit, supercharger.

More in the future SAS, doubler, and another 2nd gen sport ford mainly street and 2nd daily.

Id be happy with some inexpensive (lol) stuff for now;

Electric fan,
Gauge pod with vacume and tranny temp gauges,
Swap all my leather for cloth seats,
Dual outlet FlowMaster 44 with dual side exit pipes,
5th shock,
Beef up rear sway bar,
Some kind of upgraded "smoke" headlights, proably the smoke crystal clear headlights like LMC has

... I think thats it for now

No. 1 MOST WANTED is currently a new windshield, as the current one caught a rock today.

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My list

-31x10.5x15 tires
-Brush guard

But first comes the stuff that should to be done. Its only a bunch of little things but still should be done first
