wheel bearing problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wheel bearing problems


August 23, 2003
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93 sport 4x4
I just finished replacing the driver side front wheel bearings, and wheel bearing races on a 93 with auto locking hubs.

The noise from the inner bearing was getting unbearable, and it dug into the inner bearing race. Now that I have the new ones on, I am hearing a rubbing noise coming from the new bearings, but I can't hear it unless I am going faster than 20 mph. I packed the new bearings well, but it doesn't sound right at all.

Anyone have any suggestions? Is it possible that I need to loosen or tighten the wheel bearing adjustment bolt?

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Jack up one front tire at a time and and check the end play in the bearings. It should be 0 to 0.003 inch loose.

how much torque did you put on them?

I torqued the locking nut to 35 ft lbs. then loosened half a turn then tightened back to 20 ft lbs. There doesn't seem to be any noticable play in the wheel when I spin it.

It feels fine until I hit about 20 or 25 mph than I notice the noise. I'm going to take it apart again and re-check everything. If my torque specs are wrong could someone let me know the correct ones. Thanks

The torque on the LOCKING NUT should be 150 ft-lbs!

This is AFTER the ADJUSTING NUT is torqued to 35 ft-lbs, backed off 1/4 turn, than torqued to 16 in-lbs.

This should result in endplay of 0 to 0.003 inch. The MAXIMUM hub turning torque should be 25 in-lbs.

Since my in-lbs torque wrench is 1/4 inch drive and the bearing adjusting nut socket that I borrowed from Crown auto is 1/2 inch drive, I had to use two adapters (1/4" female to 3/8" male and 3/8" female to 1/2" male) to get the correct torque.
