Wheelin' @ Big Bear 30 & 31 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheelin' @ Big Bear 30 & 31

You need to get a fire permit available at the ranger station. They are good for one year and are just for cooking stoves, etc.. Besides, I have never seen a ranger up on the mountain in 15 years.

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We are going to be camping wussies this trip and get a room in Big Bear for Sat night...kinda sucks to camp and not be able to have a campfire. Just need to decide a meeting place and time now.

Ok so i've seen some dates being bounced around, anything finalized?

Big Bear trip 30 - 31 August

Yep the dates for the run are the 30th and 31st of August.

Re: Big Bear trip 30 - 31 August

Originally posted by Felix
Yep the dates for the run are the 30th and 31st of August.

The plan is to meet Saturday the 30th...exact time and place is still yet to be determined.

A buddy of mine and myself had originally planned to camp overnight (Sat night) but just decided to get a room at Motel 6 in Big Bear.

Still waiting on the status on Felix...Rangerx and BKennedy were going to find a place to camp last I heard so if you plan on going Xplodor, you have your choice.

I am going for sure and camping out in the great outdoors.

I looked on my map and noticed that I did not mark the spot I thought we should camp like I usually do, so a pre-run might be necessary. I might just go out Friday morning, find the campsite, set up and then meet up with whoever wants to come out at a designated spot. We could contact each other with CB's or cell phones.

I just bought a new pop-up trailer today and will be taking it on its maiden voyage on this run. I can't wait to take a dump and a shower in my own trailer!

Bill, when are you coming out?

I was thinkin of goin?

But maybe just for sunday. I don't how rough of stuff your going into. My wife is going to a bridal shower so I got nuttin to do. we got plans on saturday already. :(

We can always do the rough stuff on Sat. and do some not so rough stuff on Sun if you come out Stic-o.

LOL Brian...that will be so nice to take a dump whan you have that camper out at Truckhaven too...saves a trip into town or a secluded bush:p

Especially at Truckhaven, it gets so crowded sometimes you have to wait in line to get a good bush.

Got a really good deal on it cause its a 2003 and the 2004's are coming in soon. If I could just get the friggin replacement parts from superlift so I could get my rig all better, life would be sweet!! My buddy was going to get a whole lift from 4WP just so he could take out the one broken spring perch, then send it back as defective, but he pissed off 4WP by hiring their service manager out from under the largest store.

Originally posted by Felix
didnt find anything on there but list price from ford is 400 for the motor and 300 for the board. I did find a junk yard in indio with a 13-54 manual for 150 though.

Hey man I just bought one from this place , new, for $225, i will have to get back to you on the name of the dealership, but that is the price all the time, i went to google and typed in cheap ford parts and thats how i came across it. but i will pm you the info. later, oh ya when we getting together to hit the hills? I just got my new x with the d44 and 37's locked. :D

Originally posted by DB_1
We can always do the rough stuff on Sat. and do some not so rough stuff on Sun if you come out Stic-o.

LOL Brian...that will be so nice to take a dump whan you have that camper out at Truckhaven too...saves a trip into town or a secluded bush:p
What trails are you guys thinkin' of runnin'? This sounds interesting!!;)


Saturday I was planning for us to do John Bull then some other black diamond trails...by the way, i've heard conflicting stories that John Bull trail is the toughest trail up there, anyone ran it before? How tough is it?

Sunday i figure we'll take some mellower trails depending on who all is going and what they feel up to doing in their rigs. BKennedy and Rangerx have lockers
so I know they want to run some challenging trails as well as myself even though I'm not running a locker.

***I know we still have over a week until the trip but wanted to get some ideas for the meeting time and place.***

I'm in!

Just tell me a time and place to meet you guys on sunday morning. And what channel you'll be on.

How about we meet Saturday in Fawnskin across the street from the general store at 0830 hours?? I just love the name of that town!!

Anyone coming out Friday?

Any trails you want to run will be fine with me. I just traded my old tires for some "sic" rock sliders made by my friend's 17 yr old kid. He will be building them on Tuesday. At 17, he is on his second race truck build.

8:30 sounds good to me...this general store have a name other than general store? I'm sure Fawnskin is a small town and it's hard to miss.

I'm getting my garage wired up for 220 tomorrow to run my welder so I should have some rock sliders too in time for the run :D

My T-Case showed up today. Now for the dirty work ;). I am going to service the one I have installed now, and replace any broken junk with parts from the spare I just got. So it looks like my rig will be in working order for the BB run also.

Awesome Felix...so you wont need my help with it?

The name doesn't really matter- there's only like three businesses in Fawnskin! The Gold Pan restaurant is the place I know, and I think the general store is right across the street.

Maybe we can do the 'same place, same time' thing on Sunday for Stic-o and any others.

Hope you guys have fun in big bear next weekend. Ill be in the sierras running the dusy ershim trail :D :D Maybe next trip ill be able to make up there.


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Well to update you on the t-case. It looks as if I will have 2 Hi and 4 Lo and I have to crawl under the truck to switch between the two. But, I will still beable to make the run. I will give it another shot tomorrow to see if I can get this stuff to work.

It will be good to see some old faces and meet some new ones on this run. I may have one or two friends tagging along with there heeps not sure yet.
