Wheelin' @ Big Bear 30 & 31 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheelin' @ Big Bear 30 & 31

that sounds good

I may bring my dad with me if he wants to go but he'll just ride shotgun sence the zuki is in the middle of getting lockers in it and will not be ready in time.

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Just a reminder...

This thread says 23/24 which is this weekend and just so there's no confusion or in case someone missed the date change, we are going the 30th and 31st.

Looks like we'll have a nice little turnout...should be fun :cool:

I changed the date in the thread title with my magical powers ;)


:bow: All hail ranger x :bow:

Heck, Marc that is all you need; highway and crawling speeds.

As for the store, its the only and it right across the highway to the entrance to the trails. I was going to park across the street from the store anyway, cause there is a big area to park there.

Just picked up my trailer today. It takes a little longer than a tent to set up, but its worth it.

No Zukies = no body damage. The only time I got any noticable damage was following Tom Davis and his Zuk through the Rubicon. Bad Zukie, bad...

Who is coming out when??

Lets make a list to see who is coming out and when.

Me - Friday morning

Originally posted by BKennedy
No Zukies = no body damage. The only time I got any noticable damage was following Tom Davis and his Zuk through the Rubicon. Bad Zukie, bad...

hmm.. maybe I should come down for this.. since that is also labor day weekend. :D

Got to finish off those dents I started.. :D

I'll be there saturday morning with dave. I tested out my 2h/4L system tonight in the not so dry lake bed at Jashua Tree and let me tell you it works.


I'll see you guys there bright and early Sat morning @

Got the garage wired up for 220v...now to get my welding skills up to par...heh heh.

Originally posted by DB_1
Saturday I was planning for us to do John Bull then some other black diamond trails...by the way, i've heard conflicting stories that John Bull trail is the toughest trail up there, anyone ran it before? How tough is it?
I ran lower John Bull, and it was very timid. Once we got to the upper John Bull section, w/o boulder bars and lockers, I had to bow out. The boulders were about mid-fender high (on my rig), and you had to drive over these while on a side-hill, and with my open diffs, I would spin out of control, and pitch the truck on its side. Needless to say, I wasn't up for the task. Now, if Brian Kennedy survived the Rubicon, I'm sure he know's what kinds of obstacles I am talking about here.

Now, the Jeep Jamboree guys supposedly stacked all kinds of rocks and constructed the trail in July, taking John Bull to the more 'moderate' end of the equation, but, this opinion came from a Jeep guru who was replacing the frame on his battle-scarred CJ-5. My advice here is to look before you leap, 'cause John Bull ain't no sissy!


Well.................we ain't no sissies either, right gents????

Tom Davis, those dents are pretty finished, working on all new dents now. Come on down!!

Originally posted by BKennedy
Well.................we ain't no sissies either, right gents????

Tom Davis, those dents are pretty finished, working on all new dents now. Come on down!!

well, I messed a critical part today.. one you don't think about. I broke the dang driver's side seat, so I'm out of action till I decide on what to do.

Just replacing the seat isn't an option - I think I need to actually attach them to the cage, because the floorboards are flexing from all the cuts to fit the dual toy's.

Originally posted by Ken Cooke
My advice here is to look before you leap, 'cause John Bull ain't no sissy!


john bull is a freeway compared to the rubicon. Only one slightly tricky part on the whole trail. I wouldnt take a stocker through cause you will smash the rockers in probably. I ran through all of john bull and never had a problem. we also took an open open land cruiser through on 35"s he would have never got hung up except the fact it was the first trip out ever 4 wheeling so he needed a little help that experiance would easaly of overcome



Did you take this trail lately? As in, after Jeeper's Jamboree? They allegedly moved lots of rocks around to make it easy for a stocker to get through. I really want to take this trail one day in my Ranger...


did john bull about 2 years ago and wasnt really that exciting. Also did dishpan springs few months later. Dishpan has changed alot sence they put that bridge in but none of them were that bad. I would take my GF jeep on 33"s with LS front and rear on eather trail and not think twice. Also would take it across the rubicon for that matter as well


Looks like we may have to do Holcomb creek trail as well for a little excitement...that has a nice boulder garden right from the get-go:D

I've decided I'm only going for Saturday, Up, run, and back same-day.
I'll be in FAwnskin at 8:30 AM.

Anybody know if any of these thunderstorms drift up the mtn that far? I think it would be great to have one pass through!:cool:

It looked as if one or two have passed over that part of the mountian. It has been raining all over these parts for the last week.

Will see you all there 8:30 Saturday morning.

Any suggestions for CB channel?

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