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Wheels & tires?


March 30, 2010
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Hey guys I have a 2010 gen 2 Adrennalin I been thinkinkg about getting smaller rims with a more agressive tire maybe a 3" lift any ideas or comments pro or con?
Thanks Rich

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You bought a Street Truck.

Why don't you try a taller tire with your 20" rims? I used a 275/55R20 Michelin LTX M/S (32") on my Adrenalin with the factory rims. Filled out the wheel wells. Had to make an electronic adjustment on the speedo to compensate for the taller tire.

Why don't you try a taller tire with your 20" rims? I used a 275/55R20 Michelin LTX M/S (32") on my Adrenalin with the factory rims. Filled out the wheel wells. Had to make an electronic adjustment on the speedo to compensate for the taller tire.

Thanks thats an other way to go do you have any pics so i can see what it looks like?

Here is my 2010 STA with 265/50R20 Nitto Terra Grapplers on Voxx G-FX 20" Rims. Stock ride height.

When these wear out, I will be getting 275/55R20 (wish I would have done that from the start...)


Looks nice but i think i want a more aggressive look!

I,d say go for it. I have a 2008 ltd with the truxx lift and 275 55 r20 Toyo AT,s on 20x8.5 20 offset rims. Nice fit and addl clearance for "soft roading". Once things slow down I will post pics...

Mild lift, 275 55R20's on 20x8.5's

So lets see if this works
Festus 001 (Medium).jpg

Guys, I have an 07 sport trac limited V-8 4x4. I've look at some of the threads on installing 275 55R20 tires and I was wanting to know if there's any rubbing. I'm installing the Truxx spacer kit this weekend and have been looking at installing the incubus 20x9 poltergiest with 265 50R20's. I plan to have an offset to bring the rim out flush with the fender but again worried about rubbing. Any suggestions or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. Yes you will have some rubbing with the 275,s on the 8.5 rim with 20 offset. bring the rim out farther and the rubbing will be worse. Tire rubs while turning on the front inner fender at the outer edge of the tire. Rubbing is minor and could probably be solved with a heat gun and some molding of the inner fender... It just has not been a priority to fix yet.
