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which o2 sensor?


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December 18, 2007
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2000 explorer xlt
I have a 2000 X 4.0 sohc and I dont which o2 sensor this the code reads(sensor2 bank 1) were is that located there are 4 o2 sensors. HELP thanks.

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which code are you getting, many times it is not the O2 sensor that is bad, but the O2 sensor is the one just reporting that there is a problems somewhere else.

are you getting a lean or rich code, or no response at all from the O2 sensor?


The code i am getting is sensor 2 bank1 also bank1 lean?

I have tested the i.a.c. and cleaned the m.a.f. and the problem is still there. When I delete the codes they come back after 1 day. If that helps

THe lean code can also be caused by a vacuum leak, or low fuel pressure

Wouldnt I bring those codes up as well, If not how would I go about testing for fuel and vacumm.

vacuum leaks are generally things like cracked or fallen off hoses. you need to look around and search for it. You can use propane to search for it, when come to the spot where the vacuum leak is. The propane will be sucked into the engine and the rpms will rise due to the sudden increase in fuel mixture. Many times you will be able to hear the leak.

The fuel pressure is tested at the fuel rail. You need to get a fuel pressure tester ($30) or borrow one. Then hook it up to the scrader valve on the fuel rail. There are many good writups on here about this very thing. I would suggest using the search function :thumbsup:

I have a 2000 X 4.0 sohc and I dont which o2 sensor this the code reads(sensor2 bank 1) were is that located there are 4 o2 sensors. HELP thanks.
Sensor 2 bank 1 is the downstream (rear) passenger side O2 sensor.

my lean codes turned out to be the IAC. It stuck open on startup and confused the o2 sensors....

when did it come on?I figured this out by noticing when the code was thrown, it was on start up...and no other times

Sensor 2 bank 1 is the downstream (rear) passenger side O2 sensor.
Rwenzing, seems like u know what ur talkin about... congrats, good to see good ppl out there, have a q 4 u, days ago the check engine light got off in my 2000 xls explorer, mech says is catalytic conv, and i have either replace it or take it off... however, there is me today under the car trying to see i don't know what, when discovered that the exhaust pipe is leaking.... could that be a possible reason why check engine is on!?!?!?! fyi i am mexican living in mexico.. mechanics don't know much about cats! THANK YOU hope ur well.

ps congrats for ur ranger is very nice

...discovered that the exhaust pipe is leaking.... could that be a possible reason why check engine is on!?!?!?!
It is possible. What is the diagnostic trouble code?

Hello again rwenzing!!

Well The code number i ignore it, all i know from the mechanic is that the problem is down there with the catalytic converter.... and then i discovered the leak.... should i take it to scan again before fixing leak or go straight to fix it.... catalytic converters are VERY expensive down here and i refuse to take them off and install a just a pipe instead... Note, there is 4 (four) cats. two small ones in the front and two bigger ones in the pipe after they both become one. the crack or leak is right in between the two big ones.
Thank you for followin and helpin.

This may not mean much but just from reading this thread it helped me out with my problem that I've been trying to work with for nearly two weeks now, thank you :D

Hello again rwenzing!!

Well The code number i ignore it, all i know from the mechanic is that the problem is down there with the catalytic converter.... and then i discovered the leak.... should i take it to scan again before fixing leak or go straight to fix it.... catalytic converters are VERY expensive down here and i refuse to take them off and install a just a pipe instead... Note, there is 4 (four) cats. two small ones in the front and two bigger ones in the pipe after they both become one. the crack or leak is right in between the two big ones.
Thank you for followin and helpin.
I would repair the crack since that needs to be done regardless of your other problem. Then reset the PCM to erase the codes and see if the Check Engine Light come back on. If it does, get the codes read and go from there.

i Will do so!! thanks... i'll keep u informed... one easy question, what could be the best "code reader" brand i can buy to scan my explorer???

I would repair the crack since that needs to be done regardless of your other problem. Then reset the PCM to erase the codes and see if the Check Engine Light come back on. If it does, get the codes read and go from there.

Ok! the Crack is been welded, the comp. is been reset! so lets wait and see if "check engine" comes back...
Now, what i feel after welding the exhaust is like the car wont take off very well, in other words is like engine hesitating to rise rpm when step on gas...do explain myself?
Any suggestion??? pls advice

my Regards..

Knowing the Diagnostic Trouble Code will help you the most. It may take a few days but the CEL should come on again. Be sure to get the actual alphanumeric code (Pxxxx) - that will be more helpful than a worded description.

Ok rwenzing i'll keep an eye on that... if light comes back on i will make sure to get the codes i'm going to order the code reader from the stay the one you told me....:)
So stay around.... Gracias.

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Knowing the Diagnostic Trouble Code will help you the most. It may take a few days but the CEL should come on again. Be sure to get the actual alphanumeric code (Pxxxx) - that will be more helpful than a worded description.

FYI all....
Ok since i fixed the leak in the exhaust we reset the comp., (which according to mechanic was a prob in catalytic conv.) ist been a week so far, the explorer is running now perfect! and NO "check engine" Light on yet!!!

Thanks everyone specially Rwenzing for following this... i think my prob with that ist been solved....:thumbsup: :D
