Which stereo came in my car? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which stereo came in my car?


April 19, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 sport
So i bought my 2000 sport used and someone had replaced it with an aftermarket stereo. about 2 years ago that stereo was stolen and I am now going to purchase a new aftermarket head unit. I was planning on purchasing it from crutchfield and they ask me if it has "premium" sound or "mach" or neither. is there a way to tell which one was originally in my car? There isn't a sub in the back. I have a plastic organizer on the passenger side and the jack is on the driver side in the cargo area. Does this mean I have neither?

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Can you tell us or get us a pic of what the plugs in your radio look like?

i'll up load the pictures of the plugs here in a second

Won't be Mach, most likely Premium dual media.




You have neither. Yours is just the regular system.

Cool, now I know what to tell Crutchfield. Thanks!

yep- the single wire is the killer. :)

2000 EB w/MACH

I have a 2000 EB with the MACH and am in the process of installing an aftermarket HU (Ouku) and would like to know if I need an interface for the SWC, or can I simply use the lightblue/red stripe and gray wires to connect.
Additionally, there is a jack at the back which resembles an old RCA (it is analog tv) presumably the antenna-what kind of 'antenna' do I need for the tv to work. All the cool media sources; sadly, it's Chinese so...
