Which superchargers will fit our 4.6L's? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which superchargers will fit our 4.6L's?


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November 28, 2007
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04 Mounty
Ive always wondered,but never found the answer...

Which superchargers will fit our 4.6l v8's?

Can they be from a 99-04 mustang cobra?
What about supercharger kits from a 99-04 mustang GT's?

what are the engine differences?

I realize there will be some modifications/fabrication likely.....
But how much exactly?

I thought someone said anything from a 02 mustang GT 4.6L will fit a 04 4.6L....

Does ANYONE have any real answers?


BTW: Im going to order a S/C for my 04 mounty, and I need to know WHAT to order.
Dont know if it's easier to order a 2004 cobra supercharger, or go with a generic kit like Vortech, Paxton, or ATI

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I would call up a place called brenspeed. They do a lot of superchargers for mustangs. They just got done putting one on a Mounty.


I would call up a place called brenspeed. They do a lot of superchargers for mustangs. They just got done putting one on a Mounty.


Thanks man, its a start!

I checked clearances before, and it appears the 2004 mounties have no room for a Vortech style supercharger, so im going to have to bolt an Eaton style on the top.
There appears to be plenty of room for an Intercooler also...not sure about piping.

All i need is clearances....and which supercharger will fit the easiest!
I know im going to have to chop the hood.....not worried about that though.

Yo need to speak to the rocketman, or search the other modify 4.6 thread on here!!

the eaton should clear the stock hood iirc.

Eaton or Kenne Bell will clear the stocker X hood with ease; not so with bigger Kenne Bell's on the Mustangs.

To the OP, you will want to look for a roots or twin screw system made for the 99-04 Mustang GT's. The 4.6 V8 engine in the 02-05 Explorers is pretty much identical to the 99-04 Mustang GT engines. Do not go for anything made for the Cobra's because they have VERY different heads which would make the conversion a needlessly bigger pita.

Some various Mustang GT systems that will fit with a little modification are:

1) Kenne Bell 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, or 2.8 kit made for the 99-04 Mustang GT. (Only go with the 2.2 and higher blowers if you plan to rebuild your engine and shoot for 500+rwhp with allot of supporting mods. You can get used KB 1.7's pretty cheap when mustangers upgrade to the bigger blowers.)
2) Saleen Series IV blower for 99-04 GT
3) Allen Superchargers Roots blower for 99-04 GT or Explorers (Increasingly rare now that Allen has went out of business. Occassionally you find a used one for sale.)
4) Allen Superchargers Whipple blower for 99-04 4.6 2v (Rare and only necessary if you plan to make 500+rwhp.)

You are correct in that a few items will need to be modified or fabricated to make these works for your vehicle. Still, the major part is that they will bolt up to your heads without issue and the front accessories will line up. While not dropin sort of mod, you can surely do it if you know you way around the engine bay and are a resourceful person. What specific parts you have to modify will depend on which system you use as a base to build off of. Hope this helps.

For the average person wanting to do this I would recommend either a used Kenne Bell 1.7 kit or the Saleen Series IV. They will meet or exceed the power expectations of most any normal Explorer owner out there looking to s/c their vehicle.

Just realized the OP has a 2004....remember the MAF is different then 02-03

Just realized the OP has a 2004....remember the MAF is different then 02-03

Yes it is a slot-in (card style) MAFS. Doing a somewhat custom intake tube is part of the game regardless if you were doing one of these on an 02-03 or an 04-05. That's small potatoes.

Yes it is a slot-in (card style) MAFS. Doing a somewhat custom intake tube is part of the game regardless if you were doing one of these on an 02-03 or an 04-05. That's small potatoes.

i'm aware, just making sure the OP realizes the 04 is slightly different then earlier 3rd gens.

Thanks guys, thats EXACTLY what I wanted to know!
I'd buy you beers if I could!:thumbsup:

I just acquired some new bills, so im not sure if I can afford the $4000+ right now, but atleast I know what I need for the near future!

Im supposed to be working on my mustang project car right now, but theres so much that has to be done, im just kinda letting her sit in the garage.

Then i took a look at the Mounty and realized how fricking EASY and ACCESIBLE everything looks under the hood!
It looks like a cake walk compared to other cars ive worked on.
Everything is right there........piece of cake.

All I gotta do is come up with the money!

I still owe $16,000 on this truck(plus what i owed from my last stupid chevy), so im kinda worried about that, but if something breaks, i'll just fix it myself, no big deal.

Thanks again guys!


explorer express has supercharger kits ... but I'm not sure if the prices are fair.

explorer express has supercharger kits ... but I'm not sure if the prices are fair.

EE only has S/C kits for the 4.0 SOHC and 5.0 OHV Explorers, not the 4.6. The only kit that was ever made for the 4.6 Explorers was offered by Allen Engine Development (Allen Superchargers). They are out of business now so it will be hard to even get one of those if the OP wanted to.

EE only has S/C kits for the 4.0 SOHC and 5.0 OHV Explorers, not the 4.6. The only kit that was ever made for the 4.6 Explorers was offered by Allen Engine Development (Allen Superchargers). They are out of business now so it will be hard to even get one of those if the OP wanted to.

Ahhhh ... good call I overlooked that. :confused:

For the average person wanting to do this I would recommend either a used Kenne Bell 1.7 kit or the Saleen Series IV. They will meet or exceed the power expectations of most any normal Explorer owner out there looking to s/c their vehicle.

What kind of upgrades needs to be done to the engine, trans, and drivetrain to handle a supercharger, if any? I'm not a total stranger to the blowers, but I believe both Eaton and KB are roots kits. More stress, especially on the engine, compared to a centri blower (such as Vortech or Paxton for those reading and aren't sure)

I'm guessing that fuel upgrades (injectors and probably pump), exhaust, and tune are obvious upgrades. But curious as to the others. I'd like to eventually put a blower on my Ex to liven it up :D


What kind of upgrades needs to be done to the engine, trans, and drivetrain to handle a supercharger, if any? I'm not a total stranger to the blowers, but I believe both Eaton and KB are roots kits. More stress, especially on the engine, compared to a centri blower (such as Vortech or Paxton for those reading and aren't sure)

I'm guessing that fuel upgrades (injectors and probably pump), exhaust, and tune are obvious upgrades. But curious as to the others. I'd like to eventually put a blower on my Ex to liven it up :D



The upgrades that you need to do to the Engine, Trans, and Drivetrain will depend on how much power you are making. If you are making around 350-400rwhp then the stocker engine, trans, and rear end will handle it just fine. Once you get closer to 450rwhp then the time will come where the engine and trans are recommended to be built. Some others have survived quite a while on more power but those usually aren't the norm.

The Eaton and Kenne Bells are Positive Displacement superchargers. The Kenne Bell being a twin screw type and the Eaton being a roots type. The Kenne Bell is not a roots. Though it is closely related, there are some sizable differences.

For just a street blower setup on your 4.6 Explorer the fuel injectors, MAFS, fuel pump (or pump booster) will need to be upgraded and then of course a custom tune. Exhaust would be a nice thing to have and of course if you are doing the supercharger then the air intake tube will be upgraded as part of the process too so those will be covered as well. That is about it besides the blower unit itself with its possible custom fitment mods.


The upgrades that you need to do to the Engine, Trans, and Drivetrain will depend on how much power you are making. If you are making around 350-400rwhp then the stocker engine, trans, and rear end will handle it just fine. Once you get closer to 450rwhp then the time will come where the engine and trans are recommended to be built. Some others have survived quite a while on more power but those usually aren't the norm.

The Eaton and Kenne Bells are Positive Displacement superchargers. The Kenne Bell being a twin screw type and the Eaton being a roots type. The Kenne Bell is not a roots. Though it is closely related, there are some sizable differences.

For just a street blower setup on your 4.6 Explorer the fuel injectors, MAFS, fuel pump (or pump booster) will need to be upgraded and then of course a custom tune. Exhaust would be a nice thing to have and of course if you are doing the supercharger then the air intake tube will be upgraded as part of the process too so those will be covered as well. That is about it besides the blower unit itself with its possible custom fitment mods.

350-400hp on stocker trans, rear end, and bottom end make me REALLY happy. I think I will try to do this next summer after I graduate. The wife doesn't really put up much of a fight about things that make the mounty go faster (she has a bigger lead foot than me!) as long as the money is there.

Yeah - 300-350 RWHP would be just fine with me since it's my daily driver. I'll save the 350+ for my 'Bird. From what it sounds like, my thought process is on the right track for what upgrades I'd do along the way. Now I just need a bigger bank account :)

And now that you say it - I remember the KB being a twin screw. Just had a brain fart when I typed that earlier :)


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hey just wondering what the most powerfull supercharger that will fit my '04 4.6l explorer limited without having to modify the hood? Also will there be any other major gear i will need eg intercooler? (trying to do it on the cheap).
thanks for any assistance
