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whoops into a project

they are red, just when the sun hots them they look kinda pink. They were only 98 cents apiece though.

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how many cans of that bed liner did you use?

i used like 1.5 cans, there are 3 coats on each side. it was a little scary at first because i sanded my body before i sprayed it and i have never done anything like that before. I am satisfied with it now though.

is anyone selling any gears? i was thinking the min would be 3.73. i am going to be running 32's i think. i need front and rear.

ok so i found a set of 32's on 15x8 rockcrawler rims that i will be picking this week. Also found a pre-runner bumper. will those tires fit with the 2 inch lift coils? if not could i get some f-150 coil seats and the coils? i know it would not get aligned right but it would be close, no?

would the springs and aal be fine or should i do the springs and shackles?

both of them raise the suspension but do either of them do anything for flexing it?

add a leafs will be more rough riding, but shackles will stick down and look kinda goofy... most people like shackles more but personally i like whatever gets me clearance... oh and shackles are so quick to install that they make add a leafs seem like such a pain in the ass

what kind of shackles should i get? warrior?

As far as I know the Warriors are the standard around here... although in the offroad forums I did see a thread about custom shackles... some people chose to make their own out of 1/2" by 2 1/2" flatbar... that's likely what I'm going with as it'll be nearly half the price of getting a set of Warriors... Parts ain't cheap up North...

Not sure if you have the part numbers, but they're WAR-153 or WAR-353... the 353 is the zinc, and the 153 is the powdercoated, IIRC. Stick with powdercoated. But, these won't give you a true 2" from what people have said... it's more like 1 5/8"... I think AAL's will give you a true 2" lift if your springs aren't too shot... not sure if that was mentioned above.

do you have a direct link to the shackles? all icould find were jeep shackles. I am going to compare the aal to the shackles and see which one is going to work the best for me.

Shackles here.

Just look at the bottom of the list... it's right near the very bottom, maybe third up. 91+ Explorer/Mountaineer.

project is on the back-burner for a while now because part of the money that was needed to fund it is gone. I sold some stuff online and was almost scammed out of everything. i caught it in time and now all of my stuff now sits in great britan and is going to cost 200 bucks a package to get it back. I hate identity theft, this really sucks.

ok, i think i finally found what i am going to do. I think i am going to go with a 2 inch body lift, f-150 coil seats and maybe a aal. I found the coil seats sitting in a box in my room, i am planning on removing the rust this weekend. Hopefully it will look good. I think i am going to use a pair of new stock ranger coils also. i think that this will turn out alright. will have pics of the spacers up in a little

Are the Ranger coils the same, or are they softer? I'm just wondering about the weight ratio of the Explorer vs the Ranger... if they're too soft you'll lose any lift you gain with the coil seats as well as reducing your suspension travel... Just a thought...

ok little update. I have not been able to do very much lately because of the usual. I bought a filler but the wrong years, i tweaked it a little and it worked alright enough for me. I also bought some beat up eddie bower edition leather power seats. i plan on rebuilding the seats and just slipping some covers over them. I got the seats and filler for 30 bucks. The coils seats will probably be next weekend though. I have decided to have a tube bumper made for it also. I am trying to track down a used set of skyjacker coils so i can have a bit better ride and articulation than the stock coils with the spacers. here are some pics



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Uh... wow... when you say beat-up seats, you really mean beat-up, don't you? I can't even imagine how they got that destroyed, short of someone taking a knife to them... why anyone would do that is beyond me...

Good luck on the refurbishing though... I'm considering doing some of that myself... I might try to make some vinyl/heavy canvas covers for the front seats so that when I'm at work or in the mud I don't have to worry about getting the seats dirty... that way I can just rip off the covers later and either throw 'em in the wash or just store them behind the rear seats... I would love to change the trim panels inside for sheet metal ones or something of the sort, but at the moment that's just me fantasizing... I might do it eventually though, just to give it a cleaner/utilitarian look and have it stand up better to the abuse I throw at it... I'm slowly working on mounting my sub and amp behind the passenger's side rear panel where the little cubby is on my XL...
