Will A-A-L help? Weight limit in cargo area? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will A-A-L help? Weight limit in cargo area?


Well-Known Member
September 5, 2003
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97 5.0 AWD Limited
My new set up for next year's competitions will weigh in at about 875-900 pounds. I feel this will max out my old suspension and make it sag a good amount. If I get some AAL will this hold that weight up in stock place? What else would it take? 1-2" lift kit in the rear as well?

What is the weight limit in the 97 Limited V8 AWD?

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My new set up for next year's competitions will weigh in at about 875-900 pounds. I feel this will max out my old suspension and make it sag a good amount. If I get some AAL will this hold that weight up in stock place? What else would it take? 1-2" lift kit in the rear as well?

What is the weight limit in the 97 Limited V8 AWD?

Your best bet is to get the leaf spring pack rebuilt.. A AAL is not gonna help that much especially when you have that much weight in the rear.

I have seen quick removal springs that mount between your axle and frame to increase your cargo weight by 1,000 lbs. They are fairly cheap @ $30 a set. I would make sure to remove them when not carrying extra weight as they will make your rear-end very stiff in normal driving situations.

get some add a leafs , but when your looking at them there is 20" ones and 34" ones get the longer ones and you should be good to go
